Monday, December 28, 2009

What do you pay for your spouse's coverage on your employer's health insurance plan?

I learned it would be over $500 per month to add just a spouse - no kids - to my HMO policy! Is this normal? (I realize that there is no contribution toward spouse coverage from the employer but the premium seems really high)What do you pay for your spouse's coverage on your employer's health insurance plan?
It's not horrible. I'm an agent that carries an individual policy on my wife instead of putting her on the group I think ours would have been around $350 extra, but I carry a HSA compatible HDHP.

If they're healthy, purchase an individual policy. If not, do the group insurance.

It's this kind of adverse selection that causes group spouses to be more expensive.What do you pay for your spouse's coverage on your employer's health insurance plan?
It's not ABNORMAL. Many employers don't pay anything towards the dependent's health insurance - only the employee's.

To put the premium in perspective, to buy a private policy for your wife, if she's 30 and perfectly healthy, WITH maternity coverage, for a good low/no deductible plan, would cost around $600 a month. So if you've got maternity coverage under that plan, OR, if your wife is overweight, or has preexisting conditions - you've got a great deal there.
Yes that is high, however lots of employers are cutting costs this year and that is one way to do it by not paying for your spouses coverage. He is getting a rate cut because of the ';group'; you are in. Oh sorry i only read the top portion, but 500 is about right believe it or not! redicious huh?
umm ... the actual cost of the average US group health insurance plan per single person is over $400 a month. so adding one spouse without any children and without pregnancy coverage would probably be about that much, yes.

if you're getting pg coverage in the deal -- it's well worth while.
less than half that.

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