Monday, December 28, 2009

Am I responsible for a credit card openned in my name by my spouse without my knowledge?

I found it on my credit report but I have never received a statement or paid a bill.Am I responsible for a credit card openned in my name by my spouse without my knowledge?
I had that happen to me (not by a spouse, by an unknown identity thief). File a police report, contact the FTC and one of the credit reporting bureaus to report the fraud. You are not responsible for the fraudulent account. Call the company had have the account closed, too. Check your credit report for any suspicious ';inquiries'; into your credit and follow up on them to see if any fraudulent accounts were opened. I feel for's a HUGE headache.Am I responsible for a credit card openned in my name by my spouse without my knowledge?
Several people have hit the nail on the head with this one.

Since you appear to be married, you have the marriage to think about. Having said that, since you are married, you also share financial burdens(liabilities), so I am sure that in some ways you can be held liable this way as well. You also are now aware of it so if you fail to act to remedy this, you are going to be held liable for future use of this account.

What you have here is a financial mess and a breach of trust. If you want to end this marriage, now is the time to hire a lawer. If you want to stay married, seek financial and marital counceling for BOTH of you. If you love this person, stand beside them and get through this together. If a lawer very soon.
you are not responsible as you never signed a contract for the card

contact the bank and have it checked into
That probably depends on whether or not you are willing to have your spouse be prosecuted for doing this.
Officially you are not resonsible for anything you have not agreed to in writing. Now if your spouse is forging your name you are in for some trouble. How far do you want to go? If you are married, are you planning on staying together? Married couples have a difficult times seperating themselves in the eye of debt holders.

If you are not paying this bill you need to immediately contact this credit card and put the entire account in dispute as fradulent. If your spouse if doing this, you may have alot more things you don't also know about. It may be the tip of the iceberg so to speak.

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