Monday, December 28, 2009

Is it ok to cheat on your spouse for political gain?

Apperntly, some people think it does not matter that Slick Willy cheated on his wifey! And she seems to not care! How do I tell my 17 year old daughter, and 13 year old son that only presidents are allowed to cheat on thier spouse, but you can't. If they can not keep the vows of marraige, how can they keep the vow of office?? Any idiot diehard democrat will support them, I may be a registerd Republican, but I vote for who I think is best. Republican OR democrat! Wake up America!!!!

P.S. Boycott Hersheys and head to the Mexican border with your illeagle firearms to shoot illeagle aliens! LOL.Is it ok to cheat on your spouse for political gain?
Most Democrats and Republicans, aside for Ron Paul, are merely puppets for the owners of the Federal Reserve. There are reasons that America is in the position it's in economically, financially and politically. The Republicans and the Democrats are in bed with the owners of the Federal Reserve and their 24-point political agenda for America.

You're absolutely right when you say Wake Up America!Is it ok to cheat on your spouse for political gain?
It's not OK to cheat on your wife. I do believe however, that him cheating was between him and his wife and should not have been made public. We need to pick people to run this country based on whether or not they can handle the job and moral values. If they have an issue once in office that does not affect the country such as cheating on a spouse then it's between them. Teach your kids that it's never OK to cheat on someone, it's wrong. If you teach them well, it won't matter what Clinton did.
I'm a college professor so it's hard for me to be brief, but

NO!! It's never OK to cheat on your wife.
no never. It sounds like the candidate for you is Mitt Romney, only one of the front runner candidates to still be married to his first wife.
In my opinion, it is never ok to cheat on your spouse for any reason. Period.
Cheating on your spouse is wrong regardless...let your kids know that these two people are definitely not people to look up to, but rather to learn from their faults and become better people.
I am more concerned with politicians cheating on US!
There's something called an open marriage where both parties agree to have a relationship sometimes involving one or multiple parties. Who are you to say what works best for other people? Regardless being Married doesn't make you a better person, you proved my point. You can go ahead and go to the ';Mexican border with your illeagle firearms.'; But I assure you it would be a lot more beneficial to learn 3rd grade English.
In my opinion, a President's sex life is not only none of our business, but it does not reflect his capability as a President.

Frankly, I'd be surprised if we could determine with any certainty a President that DIDN'T cheat on his wife. Many President's were notorious womanisers.

As far as explaining it to your children...It shouldn't be any harder than explaining why it's wrong to steal even though CEOs do it.
Good logic here. Infidelity is wrong, but murder is cool. Seriously, it's called spell check and all you have to do is click the button. It's not that hard. Though, I guess I shouldn't hold such high expectations of someone who is promoting murder.

You are probably one of those ';stop murdering unborn babies'; types aren't you? Then you go and call for the murder of illegal (notice the spelling) immigrants.

Maybe if you ate a little more chocolate you wouldn't be so angry.
You are more important than the 21st CENTURY POP CULTURE! You're working from written text; the 10 COMMANDMENTS! REFER to that being violated as going against common dignity! Religion is only there to deal with humanity and some people like to REBEL AGAINST DIGNITY!Democrats have a problem, Republicans should not! Republicans are not PALTROONS; DEMOCRATS ARE!
How did he or any other politician cheat on their spouse for political gain?

I don't think it's right to cheat, but I don't understand how there is political gain out of it. Usually they have to scramble to get a P.R. person for damage control when a scandal arises.

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