Friday, April 30, 2010

Atheists, if you spouse became Christian and wanted to start raising your kids Christian, what would you do?

and yes, this happens all the please, play along and answer this like it MAY happen in your household. Just curious?Atheists, if you spouse became Christian and wanted to start raising your kids Christian, what would you do?
I'd be more scared of the immediate consequences.

I'm married to a woman, and most Christians believe homosexuality is a sin...

So my first thought would be ';Oh sh**, she wants a divorce!';

And then I'd go for split custody and remind my kids that they have the choice of which religion to follow, and that I'll always love them no matter what. I'd be honest about my own beliefs even if my ex-wife was raising them as Christians; but I'd encourage them if they were happy with their Christian upbringing.

I must admit, though...I'd be terrified that my kids would grow up believing that I'm a disgusting, sinful pervert because I'm gay.

My entire family has already turned me away for my sexuality...I don't know if I could handle it if I ended up having kids who did the same.Atheists, if you spouse became Christian and wanted to start raising your kids Christian, what would you do?
I wouldn't restrict the teaching of Christianity by my spouse, but I would also teach the other religions (as well as atheism and agnosticism) as well so my children could have alternative views to make an informed decision when they're older. Whatever my children would decide, that's fine with me, but I would want to give them options to let them make an informed choice rather than try to restrict them to one religion only.

I don't plan on having children though...
Point out that it is child abuse!!!

Tell her that by all means the children should be allowed to learn about all the religions but then allowed to make up their own minds what they wanted to believe or not!!

If she wanted to take them to church then she should also take them to the religious houses of the other religions!!

Education not indoctrination!!

Sadly though the divorce courts are over filled with christians whop put the religion before their love of their partner and children!!!
I'd have to sit her down and talk some sense back into her head, first of all.

But, no worries. Once an atheist, always an atheist. Stupidity is a difficult trait to acquire once one has found the ability to think critically and rationally. Acquiring a taste for belief without reason or evidence has an extremely slim probability attached to it and I doubt that a thinking individual could be coerced to abandoning the jewels of his or her own personal intellectualism.

Belief in gods, you'll recall, requires a GIANT LEAP out of logic.

Depends how he behaves toward me, his spouse. If he is loving, nice, non-fundie Christian, I would be delighted he is found such joy in his life. IF he turns to Hell-loving SM fanatic who wants to tell his fantasies to the unwilling partners, things would be different.
It happened after my divorce and i simply tell the kids ';God'' is like Santa for adults, make believe but fun to pretend about. If I thought the law was on my side I'd charge her with what she's doing; passing blatant falsehoods as if they were true to my children, which is child abuse.
I plan on teaching all religions equally to my children, and letting them decide. So it wouldn't be much different anyways.

Of course, this is assuming I change my mind on both marriage, and having children, which is highly unlikely.
I would have made it clear before marrying them (you know before they converted) that our children will be raised independent and they will be told their options of what to believe, but in the end their beliefs are just that, THEIR BELIEFS.

tell her that she is allowed to take them to church if they want to go, but they will have choice in that. They will also be told that it is not neccicarily ';truth'; but just an opinion that they can adopt or deny.
Remind her that children need objective teaching about all mainstream beliefs, and if he couldn't accept that - potentially divorce.

As long as there was an atmosphere of intellectual curiosity I could accept going to church, but no straightforward indoctrination.
As long as they do it the right way and aren't hypocrites that lie, cheat, steal, or do counter productive things like fighting gay rights when they should be helping the homeless.
I'd tell her to raise the kids secular and let them decide for themselves when they are old enough to make informed decisions.
I would allow it so long as my spouse agreed to also teach our kids other religions, and that they had a choice to believe in any or none.
Sure, they're not going to miss out on anything as long as they are open minded Christians which the spouse would have to be since he or she married an Atheist.
I would support them in their decision to become a christian but I would let our children choose whether or not they wanted to become christians. I would not allow my spouse to force them.
I'd encourage my children to think for themselves without ever explicitly refuting my wife's beliefs.
Divorce and fight for custody. NOT have children if we still haven't had any. I do NOT want my kids indoctrinated and turned stupid.
I would keep reminding him how good sinning feels!
Well, since I'm gay and christians had to cry about me getting married this won't be a problem will it?
Get divorced or take her to a shrink.
steal the kids and migrate to scottsdale
Tell them I'm not having my children brainwashed with lies.

It really is that simple.

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