Everytime I see my husband focusing on his work it makes me want to just jump and kiss him... I dont know what it is, maybe the fact he doesn't know I am watching him but it makes me just sigh... and smile so big... %26lt;3
What's makes you sigh?What about your spouse or love makes you sigh?
when he brushes the hair out of my eyes stops to stare at me and then his hand creeps up cradles my face right before he kisses me.
This is not helping at all =[What about your spouse or love makes you sigh?
This weekend, my husband and I worked together to accomplish two things: clean up the house and grill enough food to last for the next few days. I was in the kitchen preparing the food for him to grill and he was running the vacuum cleaner.
I also love it when he gets up in the middle of the night to let the dogs outside to relieve themselves. That way, my sleep is not disturbed.
He's such a great husband and there is nothing that I wouldn't do to make him feel as loved as he makes me feel.
Life is good!
what gives me that feeling is when my husband actually listens to me and he does sweet things for me; and then sometimes when he is just sleeping and I look at him and I think about all we have been through and that we are making it and that we are still together no matter what that just makes me feel good.
Its so funny because, ever since the beginning of our marriage, he called me ';sweetheart'; and this included when we were arguing as well.
He be saying, at the top of his voice..';But SWEETHEART, I really don't think .. and so on and so on..';
It just melted all my arguments. But don't let him know I told you that.** wink**
So many things....
When he's playing guitar...
When he's talking to one of the kids....
When he looks at me that certain way...
When he comes up behind me in the kitchen...
I'm still amazed that after knowing him for over 20 years, I still feel like I do. :)
I love seeing him with our kids. It can be him cuddling the baby, teaching our son how to play baseball, or dancing around with our middle daughter. He's just such an amazing father! I'm a very lucky woman.
well with my wife she says when i am asleep i am really cut what ever that means and when i am consternating on something too :( idk what that means but for me its when my wife is cooking or just cuddling togeather.......
Watching him with his newborn daughter. Especially when she wakes in the middle of the night and he doesn't hesitate to get up.
Well what makes me sigh is when my husband is cooking, working on his car, or cleaning you know just being a man basically
When he comes home from a long days work and bends down to give me a great big kiss and hug..Sigh...
The idea my wife would feel that way about me, makes me sigh.
I'm not married, but I saw you on AIM with your status message. Hehe So sweet!
I'm not married, but I'm sure I'll have my ';secret diary of sighs'; when I do!
Cheers, missy! %26lt;3
When he is sleeping and snoring softly.
His smile!
My partner thinking about how to solve a problem. He pulls the sweetest faces.
inert smart assed comment here
His very thought...popping into my mind.
Him...and my daughter dancing around our living room, singing Hannah Montana at the top of her lungs!
Friday, April 30, 2010
Married Couples - Has your spouse ever cut a fart in their sleep?
When one of you is snoozing and the other is puttering, reading, watching the tv, etc.,.... did your other half let one go - while they were in dreamland? Did you get up an run into the other room or did you wake your honey with your own laughter?
*Would they deny that they have broken wind in their sleep?
*Which ones do they let off more often,...... The Silent but Deadly, The Slow Bubbling Leak,... The Noisy but Harmless,... or The Sloppy Loud'n' Nasty -makes your eyes water while you gasp for air, . . .
Well, I am curious and I would like to share a laugh too.
And yes, one of my Ex's has fessed-up %26amp; told me I have done it too, between gufaws of laughter.Married Couples - Has your spouse ever cut a fart in their sleep?
yes yes yes yes yes
and i know ive done it too
once i woke up because i was farting outloud
(i think it woke me up because this is something i really worry about)
of course i wanted to just die at the time but when i was alone, later, (and now) i had to laugh at myselfMarried Couples - Has your spouse ever cut a fart in their sleep?
yep i have done a ton of times, my live-in gf said i fart all the time, but hey i fart all the time when I'm up, The Fart is the best way to get someone to laugh, unless there to uptight or have no sense of humor, i laugh my butt of at movies that supply a good farting scene, like Larry the cable guys movie, WOOHOO the best
Oh Yes!
she did
think positive
*Would they deny that they have broken wind in their sleep?
*Which ones do they let off more often,...... The Silent but Deadly, The Slow Bubbling Leak,... The Noisy but Harmless,... or The Sloppy Loud'n' Nasty -makes your eyes water while you gasp for air, . . .
Well, I am curious and I would like to share a laugh too.
And yes, one of my Ex's has fessed-up %26amp; told me I have done it too, between gufaws of laughter.Married Couples - Has your spouse ever cut a fart in their sleep?
yes yes yes yes yes
and i know ive done it too
once i woke up because i was farting outloud
(i think it woke me up because this is something i really worry about)
of course i wanted to just die at the time but when i was alone, later, (and now) i had to laugh at myselfMarried Couples - Has your spouse ever cut a fart in their sleep?
yep i have done a ton of times, my live-in gf said i fart all the time, but hey i fart all the time when I'm up, The Fart is the best way to get someone to laugh, unless there to uptight or have no sense of humor, i laugh my butt of at movies that supply a good farting scene, like Larry the cable guys movie, WOOHOO the best
Oh Yes!
she did
think positive
How to deal with spouse with baby crying?
I'm not sure how to help my husband. I get upset when he gets upset when our son cries after putting him to bed. Our son has always been very fussy-had colic at birth, was super fussy when teething/or has gas. We've tried everything, and end up with not so much sleep. (He's 18months) I just really want to know what to do because anytime our son cries, my husband gets stressed and sometimes mad. Not violent. Then I get upset with him, and it's really pulling us apart. He tells me a lot of it is working 50-60hrs a week so I can stay home with our son, yet I also work a few days a week as well to help out. The thing is, I need a break here and there.I dont' like my husband to be stressed, because our son will keep crying when he is. So I always end up getting him and taking over. It stresses me out that I have to do this. I don't want this to ruin our relationship, but I feel he is letting it. We don't have fam around,not many friends.I am clueless what to do to help my husband.How to deal with spouse with baby crying?
I am going through the same thing only my daughter is 4 yrs old. My husband cant stand for her to whine or cry about things, she is very sensitive. When she cries he wants her to stop immediately. He doesnt get violent or anything, it just stresses him too. I just have to talk to him and say it is ok for her to cry let her be and she will stop on her own. I tell him to go outside for a minute or something. Im like you I have to take over too. My husband has just had to see that letting her cry a little doesnt hurt and in the end it is better than trying to get her to stop before she is ready to. He has gotten better over the years, it just takes time. It put a strain on our relationship too but it has gotten better. Just talk to your husband about it and let him see that it is ok for him to cry and then with time it will get better. Good Luck!!How to deal with spouse with baby crying?
Babies are tough. This will probably get better as your son gets older and can communicate with more than just screaming. Some people just aren't equipped to deal with the stress of a baby, and you can't force it on someone. Explain to your husband what all the stress HE causes you is doing, and that he needs to cut you a little slack. Everyone needs to pull their weight.
You know, the way I see it, being a mother IS the hardest job on earth. Being that you both know how difficult your son can be at times (mine being the exact same way) you would think that your husband would want to take some of the stress off of you. My hubby was the same way until I flat out told him that he needed to help because I was near the end of my wits. I also let him see what a day with our son was like. Meaning I let him try and control our son and just sat back and said to myself, I need a break and it's time he started looking after him so he knows what I go through in a day. Now, things are so much better in terms of my hubby helping to look after our son. When my hubby gets home, he immediately takes over and tries to give me a break. Maybe you need to let your hubby see what you go through in a day to realize that you don't have it so easy and maybe he too will want to give you a much needed break.
I work full time and I'm on baby duty 100% of the time that baby isn't in daycare (8 hours a day m-f).
So, ya, I understand about needing a break...If your husband hasn't come around and gotten on board after 18 months...I really don't know that he's going to if things continue as they have been ...
My husband used to get frustrated too...it lasted about two months before he stopped getting pissy after the baby got fussy...
That of course was after I told him that we HAD a baby...so he could no longer BE THE BABY...
And hello, wake up call folks...kids cry...it's part of the package. Did he not get the memo on that detail? Did he not notice at the hospital nursery?
Yes its frustrating...but that's life...and I think you both have to realize that getting frustrated and getting mad doesn't fix anything...it jsut makes things worse.
Address it at the time that it happens without any anger on your side.
When he gets like that ...have you ever just asked him...';I know it's frustrating...imagine how I feel...do you think getting mad is making it easier?';
The baby can feel your moods...if you get aggitated...he'll get aggitated...so getting pissy..only makes your situation worse.
Get your husband some parenting books...here's a good one
It's a little early for the baby ...but the concept will be good training for the daddy.
The first thing I would do is work on a consistent bed time routine. My son cried everynight when we put him down. After 8 months, my husband finally agreed a routine was best. I started with a 45 minute routine of bath (sometimes), then while changing him for bed, I would put on various soft music CD's. Then I would let him play with some quiet toys in his room for maybe 5 minutes. We would look at 3 books and then i would rock him for 5-10 minutes. When he seemed settled but not asleep, i would put him in the crib say good night and leave. Initially he would cry, but after some time the crying stopped and I gradually took each element away until it takes about 5 minutes to get him to bed. My husband even has his own little thing he does with my son. If crying bothers both of you, then go outside or on another part of the house, check on him every 15 minutes, just by listening. My son is a smarty pants, and when he hears the floor creek near his room, he would stop crying to see if we were coming in.
I understand your son was collically when he was little, but he is overthat now. He is primarily crying because he is getting rewarded for that behavior. Comforting him everytime he cries at night, will only increase his crying. If something is truely wrong there will be a distinctive cry.
Do not respond to every little cry. If he isn't hurt, hungary or really wet, he is crying to get attention.
To help your husband, try helping him find a fun activity he can do with your son. For example, my husband shares a bowl of ice cream with my son most nights, (not the best habit i know). He also wrestles with him, takes him outside to do chores or looks at books with him. The more positive attention your son gets from his dad, the less fussing he will do.
I know how easy it is to intervene when Daddy is the caretaker, but you are right you need your time. And think about how he would cope if you were not around all of the sudden. My husband had a lot of new perspectives as far as taking care of my son after I was in the hospital having our second son.
One of our biggest supports has been my church. I do not know about your religious beliefs, most of my friends come from there. I have had many offers to watch my sons when I need a break. Plus, my friends are more experienced moms, who have great insight into my feelings. And if nothing else it is just great to have someone listen to me.
Ensure as much as you need kid free time, ensure your husband has that as well. We have found more stuff is accomplished in a day when we take turns being the parent. Encourage your husband to go out for a beer sometime after work with a friend.
I hope these ideas help.
If it was you that was working 50-60 hours a week you would probably be complaining that you were also expected to take care of the baby. This is your life right now. Just remember life is all about ups and downs. Just enjoy your baby and be supportive of your hard working husband..at least he has a job and you're not a single mom, THAT would be really hard.
Your husband is clearly stating he doesn't want to wake up in the middle of the night. Mine didn't either. You can either sleep in your son's room or you can place your son's bed in your room. He is still young and won't wake up so sad, if he knows you are there. When he starts sleeping through the night, you can change the sleeping arrangement. Good luck!
Well, I am a mother of 3 boys. My mom passed 13 yrs ago which was the tie that binded our family. After she passed, my dad did not do anything for my kids. My fiancee is disabled and cant work, so he is ';Mr. Mom'; things get very stessful. He gets an attitude and starts saying things he dont mean. So just dealing with this now for at least 8 years, it has become a normal routine in my life. I just gather the kids and be mom, dad and grandparents all in one shot. I still love him, but our relationship teeters often. I have finally just broke down and asked my best friend for a break once every week or two. Then him and I either go out for a couple hours, or just come home and find ways to spend with eachother.
Remember, things will not always be like this, but as for right now, I suggest being the stronger person and remain calm. As wifes/mothers, no matter what, we always end up doing more. What my husband and I do is set days of the week when I get to relax, and days when he does. i.e. he does bath night Tue %26amp; Thurs., I get to rest and be away from our daughter for that time (even if I am doing dishes, atleast I cannot hear her whine :) Also, Sat morning , I sleep in, Sun. morning, he sleeps in. Try scheduling. It works for me. Good luck and stay calm. Your baby needs you to relax since your husband is struggling to right now.blue mask makeup books
I am going through the same thing only my daughter is 4 yrs old. My husband cant stand for her to whine or cry about things, she is very sensitive. When she cries he wants her to stop immediately. He doesnt get violent or anything, it just stresses him too. I just have to talk to him and say it is ok for her to cry let her be and she will stop on her own. I tell him to go outside for a minute or something. Im like you I have to take over too. My husband has just had to see that letting her cry a little doesnt hurt and in the end it is better than trying to get her to stop before she is ready to. He has gotten better over the years, it just takes time. It put a strain on our relationship too but it has gotten better. Just talk to your husband about it and let him see that it is ok for him to cry and then with time it will get better. Good Luck!!How to deal with spouse with baby crying?
Babies are tough. This will probably get better as your son gets older and can communicate with more than just screaming. Some people just aren't equipped to deal with the stress of a baby, and you can't force it on someone. Explain to your husband what all the stress HE causes you is doing, and that he needs to cut you a little slack. Everyone needs to pull their weight.
You know, the way I see it, being a mother IS the hardest job on earth. Being that you both know how difficult your son can be at times (mine being the exact same way) you would think that your husband would want to take some of the stress off of you. My hubby was the same way until I flat out told him that he needed to help because I was near the end of my wits. I also let him see what a day with our son was like. Meaning I let him try and control our son and just sat back and said to myself, I need a break and it's time he started looking after him so he knows what I go through in a day. Now, things are so much better in terms of my hubby helping to look after our son. When my hubby gets home, he immediately takes over and tries to give me a break. Maybe you need to let your hubby see what you go through in a day to realize that you don't have it so easy and maybe he too will want to give you a much needed break.
I work full time and I'm on baby duty 100% of the time that baby isn't in daycare (8 hours a day m-f).
So, ya, I understand about needing a break...If your husband hasn't come around and gotten on board after 18 months...I really don't know that he's going to if things continue as they have been ...
My husband used to get frustrated too...it lasted about two months before he stopped getting pissy after the baby got fussy...
That of course was after I told him that we HAD a baby...so he could no longer BE THE BABY...
And hello, wake up call folks...kids cry...it's part of the package. Did he not get the memo on that detail? Did he not notice at the hospital nursery?
Yes its frustrating...but that's life...and I think you both have to realize that getting frustrated and getting mad doesn't fix anything...it jsut makes things worse.
Address it at the time that it happens without any anger on your side.
When he gets like that ...have you ever just asked him...';I know it's frustrating...imagine how I feel...do you think getting mad is making it easier?';
The baby can feel your moods...if you get aggitated...he'll get aggitated...so getting pissy..only makes your situation worse.
Get your husband some parenting books...here's a good one
It's a little early for the baby ...but the concept will be good training for the daddy.
The first thing I would do is work on a consistent bed time routine. My son cried everynight when we put him down. After 8 months, my husband finally agreed a routine was best. I started with a 45 minute routine of bath (sometimes), then while changing him for bed, I would put on various soft music CD's. Then I would let him play with some quiet toys in his room for maybe 5 minutes. We would look at 3 books and then i would rock him for 5-10 minutes. When he seemed settled but not asleep, i would put him in the crib say good night and leave. Initially he would cry, but after some time the crying stopped and I gradually took each element away until it takes about 5 minutes to get him to bed. My husband even has his own little thing he does with my son. If crying bothers both of you, then go outside or on another part of the house, check on him every 15 minutes, just by listening. My son is a smarty pants, and when he hears the floor creek near his room, he would stop crying to see if we were coming in.
I understand your son was collically when he was little, but he is overthat now. He is primarily crying because he is getting rewarded for that behavior. Comforting him everytime he cries at night, will only increase his crying. If something is truely wrong there will be a distinctive cry.
Do not respond to every little cry. If he isn't hurt, hungary or really wet, he is crying to get attention.
To help your husband, try helping him find a fun activity he can do with your son. For example, my husband shares a bowl of ice cream with my son most nights, (not the best habit i know). He also wrestles with him, takes him outside to do chores or looks at books with him. The more positive attention your son gets from his dad, the less fussing he will do.
I know how easy it is to intervene when Daddy is the caretaker, but you are right you need your time. And think about how he would cope if you were not around all of the sudden. My husband had a lot of new perspectives as far as taking care of my son after I was in the hospital having our second son.
One of our biggest supports has been my church. I do not know about your religious beliefs, most of my friends come from there. I have had many offers to watch my sons when I need a break. Plus, my friends are more experienced moms, who have great insight into my feelings. And if nothing else it is just great to have someone listen to me.
Ensure as much as you need kid free time, ensure your husband has that as well. We have found more stuff is accomplished in a day when we take turns being the parent. Encourage your husband to go out for a beer sometime after work with a friend.
I hope these ideas help.
If it was you that was working 50-60 hours a week you would probably be complaining that you were also expected to take care of the baby. This is your life right now. Just remember life is all about ups and downs. Just enjoy your baby and be supportive of your hard working husband..at least he has a job and you're not a single mom, THAT would be really hard.
Your husband is clearly stating he doesn't want to wake up in the middle of the night. Mine didn't either. You can either sleep in your son's room or you can place your son's bed in your room. He is still young and won't wake up so sad, if he knows you are there. When he starts sleeping through the night, you can change the sleeping arrangement. Good luck!
Well, I am a mother of 3 boys. My mom passed 13 yrs ago which was the tie that binded our family. After she passed, my dad did not do anything for my kids. My fiancee is disabled and cant work, so he is ';Mr. Mom'; things get very stessful. He gets an attitude and starts saying things he dont mean. So just dealing with this now for at least 8 years, it has become a normal routine in my life. I just gather the kids and be mom, dad and grandparents all in one shot. I still love him, but our relationship teeters often. I have finally just broke down and asked my best friend for a break once every week or two. Then him and I either go out for a couple hours, or just come home and find ways to spend with eachother.
Remember, things will not always be like this, but as for right now, I suggest being the stronger person and remain calm. As wifes/mothers, no matter what, we always end up doing more. What my husband and I do is set days of the week when I get to relax, and days when he does. i.e. he does bath night Tue %26amp; Thurs., I get to rest and be away from our daughter for that time (even if I am doing dishes, atleast I cannot hear her whine :) Also, Sat morning , I sleep in, Sun. morning, he sleeps in. Try scheduling. It works for me. Good luck and stay calm. Your baby needs you to relax since your husband is struggling to right now.
I have a uk spouse settlment visa do I need a work permit?
I live in the UK with my husband. I'm waiting for my national insurance number but I really want to work now. Can I work? Do I need a work permit? Do I have to wait for the National Insurance Number?I have a uk spouse settlment visa do I need a work permit?
your spouse settlement visa acts as permission to work. You can start work now without an NI number, but you will have to pay more tax. when you get your NI number, you can claim back the extra tax.I have a uk spouse settlment visa do I need a work permit?
you must wait.or get a permit...
your spouse settlement visa acts as permission to work. You can start work now without an NI number, but you will have to pay more tax. when you get your NI number, you can claim back the extra tax.I have a uk spouse settlment visa do I need a work permit?
you must wait.or get a permit...
I am marrying my US Fiance next March. Am English - How do i go about getting a spouse visa for the UK ?
We are planning a US wedding with the intention of her joining me in England after wards. Will this be a lengthy process and where do i start ?I am marrying my US Fiance next March. Am English - How do i go about getting a spouse visa for the UK ?
How much money will we get back after filing injured spouse form one wage family?
my husband and i just had to file an injured spouse because the irs offset our refund due to my very old student loans (before i knew him)
since he was the only wage earner on our return will we still get the same refund amount once the form 8379 is processed? Can they take any of his money paid in taxes to pay my old loans? we do not live in a communicable property state. will it change our refund amount?How much money will we get back after filing injured spouse form one wage family?
if all the refund was his then he will get all of the money back.
since he was the only wage earner on our return will we still get the same refund amount once the form 8379 is processed? Can they take any of his money paid in taxes to pay my old loans? we do not live in a communicable property state. will it change our refund amount?How much money will we get back after filing injured spouse form one wage family?
if all the refund was his then he will get all of the money back.
How do you choose to be in love with your spouse?
I very often see advice on this message board telling people that ';love is a choice.'; I don't understand how that works -- please give examples of how when you fell out of love with your spouse you chose to fall back in love, and how you made that happen.How do you choose to be in love with your spouse?
It's not so much a matter of choosing to be in love with your spouse. It's about making a choice to make your love work together. Many times in a marriage, you encounter things you don't understand in your spouse. Marriage is a growing endeavor, always evolving and working through things. You continue to grow and your spouse continues to grow. Sometimes people grow apart - and that's when the choice comes into play. You may be thinking differently than you used to and your spouse may not understand it, or it could be your spouse does something you don't understand. At that point - it's important to look deep into yourself and look - really look at your spouse and try to understand what has happened.
There's and old saying - ';Familiarity breeds contempt';. That phrase is something to ponder in a marriage and is often the cause of most break-ups. We get comfortable and forget to do the small things we used to do, or start to take the other person for granted. That starts to build up into bad feelings which can lead to disaster in a marriage.
It's very important to nurture the marriage, but if you find yourself in a situation where everything seems overwhelming and the only way is out - it's time to soul-search and remember why you fell in love. After that, you figure out what you need to do to recapture those early feelings. Your mate should be your best friend, and treated better than anyone else around you. The same applies to your mate.
The choosing to be in love means going through the soul-searching and deciding it is worth the effort to make it work. Through better or worse.
Good Luck.How do you choose to be in love with your spouse?
Any commitment is a choice. Falling in love is the easy part.
I recommend ';Five Love Languages'; www.fivelovelanguages.com
I choose to love my wife. I chose to marry my wife because she completes me. We are nearly exact opposites. She likes lists and is organized. I fly by the seat of my pants on most stuff. She panics before and during a time of crisis. I get through crisis and then fall apart. I'm easy going, she's uptight. I'm a squiggle, she's a square.
I love her for who she is, what she is, and how she is.
You have to choose to love what you're not.
Well if you feel like you have butterflys every time you see him ,hear him,or touch him ,thats a sign of love.At least for me anyway.Love is a feeling you have for some one.Its not really a choice.
you can't ''choose'' to be in love..it's just happens..
Love isn't a choice. Either you love someone or you don't.
Love is a choice because love is definitive. It is in daily acts of faithfulness like keeping the home clean for one another, cookin for one another, complimenting one another, giving to one another, bein considerate of one another, choosing to do these kinds of things is choosin ot express your love for your spouse. Thats how making the choice to love works.
';Fallin in love'; or ';falling out of love'; is not possible. Falling is itself usually not a choice but rather an accident Thus falling in love would be accidentaly lovin someone and that is not possible. Love is a choice.
You never know who you're getting your advice from on Y!A. Notice that the people who actually understand the concept of ';choosing to love'; someone tend to actually be married. The people here telling you love is about ';butterflies in your stomach'; are probably kids.
Of COURSE a real relationship is about choice! Do you honestly believe you make it through decades of marriage based on feelings? When you have a big fight and you ';feel'; like you want to kill your spouse, do you run right out and get divorced? Of course not, unless you're completely selfish and immature. You make a choice to stick with it through the good times and bad, knowing that you'll have both.
You'll notice that a wedding ceremony doesn't just say, ';Do you love each other? OK, great, you're married!'; No, they make you take a sacred VOW to stick together through good times and bad, sickness, health, richer, poorer, no matter what. Right from the start they spell it out for you that you're making a choice, and that your decision is going to be seriously tested over the years.
I think part of the confusion of your question is that you're assuming love is just a feeling, and you can't understand how you make yourself feel something. Yes, feelings are part of it, but your actions are the real measure of your love. Feelings can and will be over the map. Real love is more constant than that. Real love continues to show kindness, patience, support, etc even on the days when you don't feel like it.
Interestingly, though, in doing that you will often find that you CAN influence your feelings. If you have a spouse that's worth sticking with, even though he will often fall short of your expectations, you can choose not to hold a grudge. You can choose to do loving acts, the sort of special things you did for each other when you first fell in love. When you do loving acts, you'll find that the feelings, which may have waned, will often follow.
I also want to recommend ';The Five Love Languages'; by Dr. Gary Chapman very strongly.
I must also disagree with those here who say that love just happens. Love is a commitment, not just a feeling. Feelings pass, wane, change, and that instability of feelings will leave us disappointed. Staying committed, putting effort into maintaining and growing a loving relationship and understanding and speaking your loved one's languages (read the book to understand that) are what is needed now. Choose to do loving things for the special person in your life, even if you do not think your heart is ';in it.';
When you're rekindling a fire, you have to add lots and lots of very small sticks.
Try to do small things for each other. Don't expect too much too quickly. Even if he doesn't respond right away, he'll eventually see that it's the little gestures that make you happy. It can be done.
And yes, real love isn't about fluttery feelings. Fluttery feelings don't last.
Good luck x
u cannot choose them.......u have 2 follow ure heart....
you cant choose your loved ones. your heart does.
You can choose to see the best in them, but love can only happen naturally.
Love is not a choice. How you express your love is a choice. Relationships always involve choices and often difficult ones.
I fell out of love for w few days...I played the what if game with every scenario I could imagine...I finally realize the feeling of falling out of love with him was an emotional experiment preformed by my sub-conscious in order to overcome the trauma i had gone through as a child surrounding my parent's divorce. It was nasty and left far reaching scars. My children are now the age I was when the divorce occurred. This was an amazing realization that started the process of healing. Also if you have young kids you really do go through a time of 'weaning' them around 2-3 years old. I found that at this age they need more Independence and it's a balancing act of healthy ways to accommodate this process. For me it was a matter of filling the void and emptiness I had before I realized it wasn't my husband being distant it was my children leaving me feel that way. The dynamics just need to be adjusted.
What it comes down to is that attraction is a choice in that if you were ever in love with your husband you can have it again. If you are open to personal growth and he is as well. If you can talk openly with him it will come faster. I can promise you that the issues you need to work on inside you are the places to start. I asked God to show me love for my husband I woke up each morning asking to have that as my goal for the day...to see the ways my husband loves me and to simply be attracted to him.
I realized I never really fell out of love because when I cleared my mind of everything I found that just the safe place to fall at the end of the day in his arms was the most profound gift. Love yourself!
Love is a choice yes, but it doesn't mean that once you choose to love them the fluttery feelings come rushing back again. It means that during the times when you don't feel like you love them anymore you choose to stick it out with them anyways. You choose to be with them because you are commited to them even when you don't feel it. That's what real love is. Choosing to be committed even when you don't feel anything or when you don't necessarily want to. Couples that have been married for 30, 40, 50 years can understand what this means. Love is not a feeling. Love is sticking it out when the feelings may not be there because you made a commitment. Hope this helps.
Every relationship will go through times when they don't feel in love anymore. It's during those times that we choose to be with our spouse anyways. People have a very hollywood idea of what love is. When the fluttery feelings wear off people break up. That's why there is so much divorce now. People have the wrong idea of what love is. Love is choosing to work it out anyways because you made a commitment.
At times some of the the negative things about my spouse seem overwhelming and I wonder how I ever fell in love with him in the first place! But, there are many good qualities about him. If I choose to focus on the good things he does and not our differences, I realize I do still love him. Nobody is perfect, we're all human. It works as long as the good things about someone outweighs the not so good. Each person in a relationship must also be willing to try to alter any hurtful behaviors to the best of their ability.
Love in marriage ebbs and flows. What you choose is to wait out the bad times. In 22 years of marriage I've been passionately in love, less in love, bored, in love, passionate, bored etc. It goes in cycles. If he isn't cheating---try waiting it out. Feed the love yourself. Try to remember why you fell in love with him. Encourage him when he makes efforts (especially romantic ones). Marriage is DEFINITELY a two way street---make sure you analyse your own behaviour in the marriage too.
Well, for an answer like this, I will turn to the bible 1 Corinthians 13
';4Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.
8Love never fails.';
Love its self is a choice, you have to choose to be patient, kind, to aviod envy, to not be selfish, to not be rude, and to forgive, these are all actions
There are 2 parts to love the physical and the emotional, thats why some people say you cant choose who you fall in love with, that would be you are physically atrracted first, and hormones rage you wrap your self up in that person, think about before your married, how smooth everything goes, you get butterflies when ';he or she'; calls you go out to dinner, take walks, always compliment eachother, sure there are bumps in the road, but at that moment you cant even imagine life without them, fats fowrd 6 years now your married, kids, stressed about finaces, job, and always running, you dont make time for one another and dont even feel connected-THATS WHEN YOU CHOOSE to love your husband/wife, when its so hard your flesh says give up, and instead you stay true to your commitment to one another, and DECIDE to work things out, rtather then throw in the towel.
Also remeber God is LOVE he loves us forgives us, DIED for us, but he gives us the CHOICE whether we love him back. He never forces it.
Thats the choices involved in love
I weigh my option of being married or divorce from her, my thoughts are it is cheaper to keep her.
I don't think it's a choice....it just happens. I don't think you just pick a person out of a crowd and choose to love them.
It may help if you think of love not as an emotion, as popular culture teaches us, but as a principal. You can choose to 'love' someone, that is, to behave toward them in a loving, caring, forgiving manner. Quite often, if we act like we love someone, the feeling follows the actions. In a normal relationship, that is then reciprocated. Your spouse feels love because of your actions, and remembers that he/she loves you. A relationship cannot become stagnant. We must continue to perform loving acts for each other. When we forget because of the press of life, we begin to take each other for granted, result is, we both feel taken for granted, romance dies. Occaisonal flowers or a box of chocolates, a concert together or roller skating. Baking your spouses favorite cookies of cinnamon rolls. Your undivided attention, reading a good book to each other. There is something called 'Love Languages', there are supposedly five. Gift giving, Words of encouragement, Physical touch and closeness, Acts of kindness, Quality time. We all have two major ones. These are the ways that we not only show love, but the things that make us feel most loved. One of the tricks is to discover our own and our loved one's. Blessed the couple who match!! We don't all. Then we can learn to realize the 'I love you' behind our spouse's actions that we didn't see before, and we can learn to say 'I love you' so they can hear us. Ideally this would prompt all sorts of wonderful conversations (Honey, I never realized that when you asked me to go fishing with you, you were saying 'I love you, I want to share with you'!! or Now I understand why it's so important to acknowledge your wonderful cooking, you're saying 'I love you' by fixing what I like for dinner.) and our spouse would learn to speak in our love language. Be patient!
All those little things that we did for each other when we were first seeing each other, we need to keep incorporating them into everyday life. A note in a briefcase or a lunch bag is a good one. Be silly with it sometimes. Aren't lovers supposed to be silly in love?
Please note that I am refering to a normal, healthy relationship. I do know of miracles that have taken place in destroyed relationships, where trust has been broken, then restored, but I am not talking about an abusive relationship. There is a different dynamic there. These tactics can make the relationship more liveable for you, but are probably not going to change the abuser.
I fell in love with my gf because I want to love her.
I choose to be in love because I think about what a good, consistent friend he is, what a good provider he is, and how well he treats our dogs. And he puts up with more **** from me than any other person possibly could ;)
I don't see ';love is a choice'; meaning choosing to fall back into love with someone. I see it as choosing not to fall out of love with them in the first place.
Presuming that we are not dealing with abuse, cheating, alcoholism, etc. then most marriages end when one or the other person just falls out of love. If you feel that coming on, there are steps you can take to change.
It might mean spending time together, or even short times apart. The advice column people call it ';rekindling';... finding that spark that you used to had and relighting it. Reminding yourself why you loved this person in the first place and are those reasons still true.
This could include special dates to get away from the kids, more talking and/or cuddling, couples counseling, choosing not to spend time with others who are detrimental to the relationship, etc.
Of course, this is all dependent on both partners being willing to work together.
Havent noticed these questions but sounds ridiculous to me. Love isnt a choice,part of why its so powerful. You can force a relationship but that dosent make it love. If your falling out of love you can re-evaluate and discover why and maybe rekindle that,like if things got too comfortable and taken for granted but you cant choose. Do you think women who are beaten with baseball bats choose to love their mean husbands? No, they love them but if they didnt theyd have more strength to try to get out bc they wouldnt be trying so hard to prove their love and commitment.
you cant choose to love them you can choose to forgive them of their shortcomings and then love will be easier
love is never a choice it happens but i also dont think that you can fall out of love with someone they may not be as big a deal as they once were but you still love him or you wouldnt be trying
just know you love him tell him when it feels like the words want to come out not a routine dont make ';i love you'; a responce thats terrible and it wont feel real
It's not so much a matter of choosing to be in love with your spouse. It's about making a choice to make your love work together. Many times in a marriage, you encounter things you don't understand in your spouse. Marriage is a growing endeavor, always evolving and working through things. You continue to grow and your spouse continues to grow. Sometimes people grow apart - and that's when the choice comes into play. You may be thinking differently than you used to and your spouse may not understand it, or it could be your spouse does something you don't understand. At that point - it's important to look deep into yourself and look - really look at your spouse and try to understand what has happened.
There's and old saying - ';Familiarity breeds contempt';. That phrase is something to ponder in a marriage and is often the cause of most break-ups. We get comfortable and forget to do the small things we used to do, or start to take the other person for granted. That starts to build up into bad feelings which can lead to disaster in a marriage.
It's very important to nurture the marriage, but if you find yourself in a situation where everything seems overwhelming and the only way is out - it's time to soul-search and remember why you fell in love. After that, you figure out what you need to do to recapture those early feelings. Your mate should be your best friend, and treated better than anyone else around you. The same applies to your mate.
The choosing to be in love means going through the soul-searching and deciding it is worth the effort to make it work. Through better or worse.
Good Luck.How do you choose to be in love with your spouse?
Any commitment is a choice. Falling in love is the easy part.
I recommend ';Five Love Languages'; www.fivelovelanguages.com
I choose to love my wife. I chose to marry my wife because she completes me. We are nearly exact opposites. She likes lists and is organized. I fly by the seat of my pants on most stuff. She panics before and during a time of crisis. I get through crisis and then fall apart. I'm easy going, she's uptight. I'm a squiggle, she's a square.
I love her for who she is, what she is, and how she is.
You have to choose to love what you're not.
Well if you feel like you have butterflys every time you see him ,hear him,or touch him ,thats a sign of love.At least for me anyway.Love is a feeling you have for some one.Its not really a choice.
you can't ''choose'' to be in love..it's just happens..
Love isn't a choice. Either you love someone or you don't.
Love is a choice because love is definitive. It is in daily acts of faithfulness like keeping the home clean for one another, cookin for one another, complimenting one another, giving to one another, bein considerate of one another, choosing to do these kinds of things is choosin ot express your love for your spouse. Thats how making the choice to love works.
';Fallin in love'; or ';falling out of love'; is not possible. Falling is itself usually not a choice but rather an accident Thus falling in love would be accidentaly lovin someone and that is not possible. Love is a choice.
You never know who you're getting your advice from on Y!A. Notice that the people who actually understand the concept of ';choosing to love'; someone tend to actually be married. The people here telling you love is about ';butterflies in your stomach'; are probably kids.
Of COURSE a real relationship is about choice! Do you honestly believe you make it through decades of marriage based on feelings? When you have a big fight and you ';feel'; like you want to kill your spouse, do you run right out and get divorced? Of course not, unless you're completely selfish and immature. You make a choice to stick with it through the good times and bad, knowing that you'll have both.
You'll notice that a wedding ceremony doesn't just say, ';Do you love each other? OK, great, you're married!'; No, they make you take a sacred VOW to stick together through good times and bad, sickness, health, richer, poorer, no matter what. Right from the start they spell it out for you that you're making a choice, and that your decision is going to be seriously tested over the years.
I think part of the confusion of your question is that you're assuming love is just a feeling, and you can't understand how you make yourself feel something. Yes, feelings are part of it, but your actions are the real measure of your love. Feelings can and will be over the map. Real love is more constant than that. Real love continues to show kindness, patience, support, etc even on the days when you don't feel like it.
Interestingly, though, in doing that you will often find that you CAN influence your feelings. If you have a spouse that's worth sticking with, even though he will often fall short of your expectations, you can choose not to hold a grudge. You can choose to do loving acts, the sort of special things you did for each other when you first fell in love. When you do loving acts, you'll find that the feelings, which may have waned, will often follow.
I also want to recommend ';The Five Love Languages'; by Dr. Gary Chapman very strongly.
I must also disagree with those here who say that love just happens. Love is a commitment, not just a feeling. Feelings pass, wane, change, and that instability of feelings will leave us disappointed. Staying committed, putting effort into maintaining and growing a loving relationship and understanding and speaking your loved one's languages (read the book to understand that) are what is needed now. Choose to do loving things for the special person in your life, even if you do not think your heart is ';in it.';
When you're rekindling a fire, you have to add lots and lots of very small sticks.
Try to do small things for each other. Don't expect too much too quickly. Even if he doesn't respond right away, he'll eventually see that it's the little gestures that make you happy. It can be done.
And yes, real love isn't about fluttery feelings. Fluttery feelings don't last.
Good luck x
u cannot choose them.......u have 2 follow ure heart....
you cant choose your loved ones. your heart does.
You can choose to see the best in them, but love can only happen naturally.
Love is not a choice. How you express your love is a choice. Relationships always involve choices and often difficult ones.
I fell out of love for w few days...I played the what if game with every scenario I could imagine...I finally realize the feeling of falling out of love with him was an emotional experiment preformed by my sub-conscious in order to overcome the trauma i had gone through as a child surrounding my parent's divorce. It was nasty and left far reaching scars. My children are now the age I was when the divorce occurred. This was an amazing realization that started the process of healing. Also if you have young kids you really do go through a time of 'weaning' them around 2-3 years old. I found that at this age they need more Independence and it's a balancing act of healthy ways to accommodate this process. For me it was a matter of filling the void and emptiness I had before I realized it wasn't my husband being distant it was my children leaving me feel that way. The dynamics just need to be adjusted.
What it comes down to is that attraction is a choice in that if you were ever in love with your husband you can have it again. If you are open to personal growth and he is as well. If you can talk openly with him it will come faster. I can promise you that the issues you need to work on inside you are the places to start. I asked God to show me love for my husband I woke up each morning asking to have that as my goal for the day...to see the ways my husband loves me and to simply be attracted to him.
I realized I never really fell out of love because when I cleared my mind of everything I found that just the safe place to fall at the end of the day in his arms was the most profound gift. Love yourself!
Love is a choice yes, but it doesn't mean that once you choose to love them the fluttery feelings come rushing back again. It means that during the times when you don't feel like you love them anymore you choose to stick it out with them anyways. You choose to be with them because you are commited to them even when you don't feel it. That's what real love is. Choosing to be committed even when you don't feel anything or when you don't necessarily want to. Couples that have been married for 30, 40, 50 years can understand what this means. Love is not a feeling. Love is sticking it out when the feelings may not be there because you made a commitment. Hope this helps.
Every relationship will go through times when they don't feel in love anymore. It's during those times that we choose to be with our spouse anyways. People have a very hollywood idea of what love is. When the fluttery feelings wear off people break up. That's why there is so much divorce now. People have the wrong idea of what love is. Love is choosing to work it out anyways because you made a commitment.
At times some of the the negative things about my spouse seem overwhelming and I wonder how I ever fell in love with him in the first place! But, there are many good qualities about him. If I choose to focus on the good things he does and not our differences, I realize I do still love him. Nobody is perfect, we're all human. It works as long as the good things about someone outweighs the not so good. Each person in a relationship must also be willing to try to alter any hurtful behaviors to the best of their ability.
Love in marriage ebbs and flows. What you choose is to wait out the bad times. In 22 years of marriage I've been passionately in love, less in love, bored, in love, passionate, bored etc. It goes in cycles. If he isn't cheating---try waiting it out. Feed the love yourself. Try to remember why you fell in love with him. Encourage him when he makes efforts (especially romantic ones). Marriage is DEFINITELY a two way street---make sure you analyse your own behaviour in the marriage too.
Well, for an answer like this, I will turn to the bible 1 Corinthians 13
';4Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.
8Love never fails.';
Love its self is a choice, you have to choose to be patient, kind, to aviod envy, to not be selfish, to not be rude, and to forgive, these are all actions
There are 2 parts to love the physical and the emotional, thats why some people say you cant choose who you fall in love with, that would be you are physically atrracted first, and hormones rage you wrap your self up in that person, think about before your married, how smooth everything goes, you get butterflies when ';he or she'; calls you go out to dinner, take walks, always compliment eachother, sure there are bumps in the road, but at that moment you cant even imagine life without them, fats fowrd 6 years now your married, kids, stressed about finaces, job, and always running, you dont make time for one another and dont even feel connected-THATS WHEN YOU CHOOSE to love your husband/wife, when its so hard your flesh says give up, and instead you stay true to your commitment to one another, and DECIDE to work things out, rtather then throw in the towel.
Also remeber God is LOVE he loves us forgives us, DIED for us, but he gives us the CHOICE whether we love him back. He never forces it.
Thats the choices involved in love
I weigh my option of being married or divorce from her, my thoughts are it is cheaper to keep her.
I don't think it's a choice....it just happens. I don't think you just pick a person out of a crowd and choose to love them.
It may help if you think of love not as an emotion, as popular culture teaches us, but as a principal. You can choose to 'love' someone, that is, to behave toward them in a loving, caring, forgiving manner. Quite often, if we act like we love someone, the feeling follows the actions. In a normal relationship, that is then reciprocated. Your spouse feels love because of your actions, and remembers that he/she loves you. A relationship cannot become stagnant. We must continue to perform loving acts for each other. When we forget because of the press of life, we begin to take each other for granted, result is, we both feel taken for granted, romance dies. Occaisonal flowers or a box of chocolates, a concert together or roller skating. Baking your spouses favorite cookies of cinnamon rolls. Your undivided attention, reading a good book to each other. There is something called 'Love Languages', there are supposedly five. Gift giving, Words of encouragement, Physical touch and closeness, Acts of kindness, Quality time. We all have two major ones. These are the ways that we not only show love, but the things that make us feel most loved. One of the tricks is to discover our own and our loved one's. Blessed the couple who match!! We don't all. Then we can learn to realize the 'I love you' behind our spouse's actions that we didn't see before, and we can learn to say 'I love you' so they can hear us. Ideally this would prompt all sorts of wonderful conversations (Honey, I never realized that when you asked me to go fishing with you, you were saying 'I love you, I want to share with you'!! or Now I understand why it's so important to acknowledge your wonderful cooking, you're saying 'I love you' by fixing what I like for dinner.) and our spouse would learn to speak in our love language. Be patient!
All those little things that we did for each other when we were first seeing each other, we need to keep incorporating them into everyday life. A note in a briefcase or a lunch bag is a good one. Be silly with it sometimes. Aren't lovers supposed to be silly in love?
Please note that I am refering to a normal, healthy relationship. I do know of miracles that have taken place in destroyed relationships, where trust has been broken, then restored, but I am not talking about an abusive relationship. There is a different dynamic there. These tactics can make the relationship more liveable for you, but are probably not going to change the abuser.
I fell in love with my gf because I want to love her.
I choose to be in love because I think about what a good, consistent friend he is, what a good provider he is, and how well he treats our dogs. And he puts up with more **** from me than any other person possibly could ;)
I don't see ';love is a choice'; meaning choosing to fall back into love with someone. I see it as choosing not to fall out of love with them in the first place.
Presuming that we are not dealing with abuse, cheating, alcoholism, etc. then most marriages end when one or the other person just falls out of love. If you feel that coming on, there are steps you can take to change.
It might mean spending time together, or even short times apart. The advice column people call it ';rekindling';... finding that spark that you used to had and relighting it. Reminding yourself why you loved this person in the first place and are those reasons still true.
This could include special dates to get away from the kids, more talking and/or cuddling, couples counseling, choosing not to spend time with others who are detrimental to the relationship, etc.
Of course, this is all dependent on both partners being willing to work together.
Havent noticed these questions but sounds ridiculous to me. Love isnt a choice,part of why its so powerful. You can force a relationship but that dosent make it love. If your falling out of love you can re-evaluate and discover why and maybe rekindle that,like if things got too comfortable and taken for granted but you cant choose. Do you think women who are beaten with baseball bats choose to love their mean husbands? No, they love them but if they didnt theyd have more strength to try to get out bc they wouldnt be trying so hard to prove their love and commitment.
you cant choose to love them you can choose to forgive them of their shortcomings and then love will be easier
love is never a choice it happens but i also dont think that you can fall out of love with someone they may not be as big a deal as they once were but you still love him or you wouldnt be trying
just know you love him tell him when it feels like the words want to come out not a routine dont make ';i love you'; a responce thats terrible and it wont feel real
If your spouse is in the military should you still pursue a med. career? if your spouse is stationed different?
should I still consider going for a big career plan or should I stay focused on something simple as a medical assistant. Would going to different stations cause job finding harder for those such as a radiation or physical therapists?If your spouse is in the military should you still pursue a med. career? if your spouse is stationed different?
Advise you to seek something you could get within two years in medical field. After you complete and get certification on what you want in medical, the military attempts to find spouses federal civil service or mwr jobs at duty station. All duty stations have clinic or hospital, and that would be a great job that would allow you transfer as your spouse does. I might have miss worded the help getting a job, but spouse have priority in employment.
Advise you to seek something you could get within two years in medical field. After you complete and get certification on what you want in medical, the military attempts to find spouses federal civil service or mwr jobs at duty station. All duty stations have clinic or hospital, and that would be a great job that would allow you transfer as your spouse does. I might have miss worded the help getting a job, but spouse have priority in employment.
Would you choose a first time job with a very prestigious company paying $67k but away from spouse and family?
17hours away from spouse and family but located in a city over another company in the middle of no-where but also moderately prestigious offering 60K but closer to family-4hours away.Also,both jobs,you would have to relocate alone initially for about 1-2 yrs.Would you choose a first time job with a very prestigious company paying $67k but away from spouse and family?
Wow... hard question.. I would have to say the $60K... because 4 hours is so much more tolerable than being away 17 hours from your family. 4 hours can be a weekend trip... 17 hours... forget about it! Plus, you'd probably SPEND the extra $7K on trying to get home to see your family in the first place! And lastly... $7K is a small price to give up for being able to see your spouse and kids, and have you thought about how this would affect them? Probably very negatively if you were 17 hours away.Would you choose a first time job with a very prestigious company paying $67k but away from spouse and family?
Choose a company that keeps the family together. Over time, your pay will increase along with experience. You may go for the one that pays the 67K, but end up not liking it. Money isn't everything, but contentment is.
Well do you work to live or live to work. If you live to work choose the place in the boonies. If you work to live pick the place closer. You know this is going to put some stress on your family.
How important is your job compared to your family. make a stupid pros and cons list, smarty.blue mask makeup books
Wow... hard question.. I would have to say the $60K... because 4 hours is so much more tolerable than being away 17 hours from your family. 4 hours can be a weekend trip... 17 hours... forget about it! Plus, you'd probably SPEND the extra $7K on trying to get home to see your family in the first place! And lastly... $7K is a small price to give up for being able to see your spouse and kids, and have you thought about how this would affect them? Probably very negatively if you were 17 hours away.Would you choose a first time job with a very prestigious company paying $67k but away from spouse and family?
Choose a company that keeps the family together. Over time, your pay will increase along with experience. You may go for the one that pays the 67K, but end up not liking it. Money isn't everything, but contentment is.
Well do you work to live or live to work. If you live to work choose the place in the boonies. If you work to live pick the place closer. You know this is going to put some stress on your family.
How important is your job compared to your family. make a stupid pros and cons list, smarty.
Ladies, did persistence work for you when you met your spouse?
In winning the love and trust of your now husband. Did you have to be the pursuer at first?Ladies, did persistence work for you when you met your spouse?
I was dating someone else when I first met my husband, so the first year and a half that we knew each other we were only friends.
That went A LONG way in building a stable foundation for our relationship when my boyfriend and I broke up (my husband and I started dating a few months afterward).
I don't know if either of us were the ';pursuer'; - it was more a ';mutual attraction'; thing.Ladies, did persistence work for you when you met your spouse?
i can answer this with the help of my wife. We met online. Neither one of us ';pursued'; the other. Both of us were coming out of bad marriages and were just looking for friendship and companionship. We were best friends when we met in person, then became lovers, then husband and wife. For 10 wonderful years now.
I've never pursued a man nor would I EVER pursue a man. My husband chased me. Giving a man signals that you're interested in him is one thing. Actually pursuing him? No, that doesn't sit well with me.
nope. he was the pursuer
I was dating someone else when I first met my husband, so the first year and a half that we knew each other we were only friends.
That went A LONG way in building a stable foundation for our relationship when my boyfriend and I broke up (my husband and I started dating a few months afterward).
I don't know if either of us were the ';pursuer'; - it was more a ';mutual attraction'; thing.Ladies, did persistence work for you when you met your spouse?
i can answer this with the help of my wife. We met online. Neither one of us ';pursued'; the other. Both of us were coming out of bad marriages and were just looking for friendship and companionship. We were best friends when we met in person, then became lovers, then husband and wife. For 10 wonderful years now.
I've never pursued a man nor would I EVER pursue a man. My husband chased me. Giving a man signals that you're interested in him is one thing. Actually pursuing him? No, that doesn't sit well with me.
nope. he was the pursuer
How to control your smile when you are fighting with spouse?
when there is a problem, my husband and i get into argument or fight depending on the situation, while we are arguing over a serious matter, he smiles at me and fights or argues so then i end up smiling back . and then we end up laughing. i am not able to fight back properly and solve the problem . how not to give up so quickly?How to control your smile when you are fighting with spouse?
Why would you want to continue an argument? You have issues and it sounds like your so mad at him that until you say everything you want to say to him you will never be happy. My ex-wife was the same way. She would drill me but I would not respond or would tell her until she cooled down I would not be part of the argument. We can as adults sit down and discuss and not argue because at some point in time you will loose respect for one another and that will complicate matters in the long run. It's not health to want to argue just so you can feel better because the argument is not really about the disagreement but rather about your release. You say you can't argue properly which in turn can not resolve the problem. You have that mixed up, arguing never solves anything, it creates new ones. Only by communicating can one effectively solve and correct problems. That is what you need to do with him. Sit down and tell him what it is that is really bothering you. Communicate not altercate.How to control your smile when you are fighting with spouse?
My husband and i do the same thing. I get mad when he makes me smile because i want to be mad. At least that is what i thought. i really just want him to listen and understand why i am mad. You should be happy that your fights end this way. They could end with you both being very angry. If you can both smile then the fight must not have been that important. when you both calm down talk about it. I don't think there is a proper way to fight but there is a proper way to express yourself. Tell him how you feel in a nice way but make sure he knows you are serious. You two smile at each other because you love each other. Be happy about that. It could be a whole lot worse.
this happens to us to and it's a good thing because then we stop and start talking and resolve the problem. i have even went so far as to tell him that i think he should stop smiling at me because i want to be mad at him but it never works
why do you want to continue fighting? You're blessed that your fights turn into laughter - do you want them to continue for days?
just handcuff him to the bed and tell him you're the boss now! ;-)
don't give up just give in. trust me if you are still with this guy this won't be a problem 5 years from now. enjoy it while it lasts
Wow, if you are laughing it must not be that big of a deal. Work off that tension more productive ways to your relationship...wink wink.
I wish that would happen with me, count it a blessing that this happen with you.
Is the problem that your trying to solve is who is right or who is wrong
It's good that you smile. Don't lose that.
thats a good thing. a real tension breaker.
stop complaining and have make up sex
that's funny..you go girl
Why would you want to continue an argument? You have issues and it sounds like your so mad at him that until you say everything you want to say to him you will never be happy. My ex-wife was the same way. She would drill me but I would not respond or would tell her until she cooled down I would not be part of the argument. We can as adults sit down and discuss and not argue because at some point in time you will loose respect for one another and that will complicate matters in the long run. It's not health to want to argue just so you can feel better because the argument is not really about the disagreement but rather about your release. You say you can't argue properly which in turn can not resolve the problem. You have that mixed up, arguing never solves anything, it creates new ones. Only by communicating can one effectively solve and correct problems. That is what you need to do with him. Sit down and tell him what it is that is really bothering you. Communicate not altercate.How to control your smile when you are fighting with spouse?
My husband and i do the same thing. I get mad when he makes me smile because i want to be mad. At least that is what i thought. i really just want him to listen and understand why i am mad. You should be happy that your fights end this way. They could end with you both being very angry. If you can both smile then the fight must not have been that important. when you both calm down talk about it. I don't think there is a proper way to fight but there is a proper way to express yourself. Tell him how you feel in a nice way but make sure he knows you are serious. You two smile at each other because you love each other. Be happy about that. It could be a whole lot worse.
this happens to us to and it's a good thing because then we stop and start talking and resolve the problem. i have even went so far as to tell him that i think he should stop smiling at me because i want to be mad at him but it never works
why do you want to continue fighting? You're blessed that your fights turn into laughter - do you want them to continue for days?
just handcuff him to the bed and tell him you're the boss now! ;-)
don't give up just give in. trust me if you are still with this guy this won't be a problem 5 years from now. enjoy it while it lasts
Wow, if you are laughing it must not be that big of a deal. Work off that tension more productive ways to your relationship...wink wink.
I wish that would happen with me, count it a blessing that this happen with you.
Is the problem that your trying to solve is who is right or who is wrong
It's good that you smile. Don't lose that.
thats a good thing. a real tension breaker.
stop complaining and have make up sex
that's funny..you go girl
What is fun to do in San Diego with a spouse?
Wanna take a trip to San Diego, any ideas what to do?What is fun to do in San Diego with a spouse?
San Diego is awesome. Some suggestions;
1. Take a ride up to Cabrillo National Park and Lighthouse. Cost a few bucks (7 I think). Great view of the entire city and bay, and at the right time of year the whales pass by the point.
2. La Jolla. Nice seaside town with a pretty good beach, stores, food...
3. Old Town, eat at one of my favorites, Casa de Bandini.
4. Gas Lamp district/Horton Plaza, shops and great restaraunts, bars and music. If you're going the first week in June, do the Taste of San Diego walk.
5. Del Coronado Hotel, turn of the century LUXURY hotel. Take the tour, walk the underground shops and visit the best beach in San Diego.
6. Viejas Casino just outside of the town of Alpine. Nice shops, small casino and catch the outdoor show in the shopping courtyard around sunset.
7. Have your spouse go to www.gondolacompany.com and book an appointment!!! You will score big points on this one. NO PEEKING Christie!!!
Hope that helps.What is fun to do in San Diego with a spouse?
Little Italy section of San Diego is fun. Sea World, the Zoo, Wild animal park.
San Diego Zoo for their animals or Petco Park for a Padres baseball game. :)
Old Town San Diego is fun, the embarcadero, Balboa Park, World Famous San Diego Zoo or Wild Animal Park, Del Coronado Hotel, Julian or Temecula for old west, gunfights and neat little shops, Gaslamp district, Seaworld, if you like to hike Daley Ranch or Lake Hodges are beautiful.
Well, the previous guy answered all the sex questions you did not have. As for San Diego, well, I recommend you take a drive up the coast to the Ritz Carlton at Laguna Niguel and stay there. But since you are from the OC already, I doubt you are going to do that.
it really depends on what you and your spouse find fun -- there are certainly many places to take a spouse for a fun or romantic weekend getaway.
There are a bunch of resort/spa/golf places like La Costa or Aviara in north county and La Jolla. Also, the Hotel Del Coronado is nice for a getaway.
If you both like dining, there's the Gaslamp Quarter, which has a lot of fancy restaurants, as well as bars and clubs. Also check out Little Italy or Hillcrest/Uptown for dining as well.
If checking out cool views is your thing, how about going to Cabrillo National Monument on Point Loma, and watch the ocean or downtown san diego. there's always sunset walks on the beach.. Torrey Pines or La Jolla cliffs are nice too!
A trip to the San Diego Zoo is always a good option - it's one of the best zoos in the world. The museums around Balboa Park are decent, and walking around the park is quite enjoyable - check out the Botanical Gardens.
if you like checking out funkier parts of town - go to Ocean Beach or Hillcrest or Pacific Beach. for more upscale shopping, there's downtown La Jolla.
and there's plenty of hiking and mountain biking to be had in the canyons and nearby mountains. if you like watersports, there's sailing, surfing, beach kayakking, etc. many of the nearby indian reservations have casino resorts, like Viejas or Barona, which are pretty high caliber.
Check out some of the other questions in the San Diego section for more ideas of what to see and do!
Hot butt sex is always good, anywhere. You could shower together and have nice clean sex.
Hmmm, what else...oh, you could have sex with another couple, or a menage a trois.
Uh, let's see, this focus is on San Diego...oh, here's a good one, you could have sex in the stands at Petco park, get tickets for seats in the nosebleeds to stay of camera, or do it in the bleachers and show the world!
You could invite the San Diego Chicken into your hotel room for Bird sex!
Well, hope that all helps. Have fun on your trip!
The Zoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
San Diego is awesome. Some suggestions;
1. Take a ride up to Cabrillo National Park and Lighthouse. Cost a few bucks (7 I think). Great view of the entire city and bay, and at the right time of year the whales pass by the point.
2. La Jolla. Nice seaside town with a pretty good beach, stores, food...
3. Old Town, eat at one of my favorites, Casa de Bandini.
4. Gas Lamp district/Horton Plaza, shops and great restaraunts, bars and music. If you're going the first week in June, do the Taste of San Diego walk.
5. Del Coronado Hotel, turn of the century LUXURY hotel. Take the tour, walk the underground shops and visit the best beach in San Diego.
6. Viejas Casino just outside of the town of Alpine. Nice shops, small casino and catch the outdoor show in the shopping courtyard around sunset.
7. Have your spouse go to www.gondolacompany.com and book an appointment!!! You will score big points on this one. NO PEEKING Christie!!!
Hope that helps.What is fun to do in San Diego with a spouse?
Little Italy section of San Diego is fun. Sea World, the Zoo, Wild animal park.
San Diego Zoo for their animals or Petco Park for a Padres baseball game. :)
Old Town San Diego is fun, the embarcadero, Balboa Park, World Famous San Diego Zoo or Wild Animal Park, Del Coronado Hotel, Julian or Temecula for old west, gunfights and neat little shops, Gaslamp district, Seaworld, if you like to hike Daley Ranch or Lake Hodges are beautiful.
Well, the previous guy answered all the sex questions you did not have. As for San Diego, well, I recommend you take a drive up the coast to the Ritz Carlton at Laguna Niguel and stay there. But since you are from the OC already, I doubt you are going to do that.
it really depends on what you and your spouse find fun -- there are certainly many places to take a spouse for a fun or romantic weekend getaway.
There are a bunch of resort/spa/golf places like La Costa or Aviara in north county and La Jolla. Also, the Hotel Del Coronado is nice for a getaway.
If you both like dining, there's the Gaslamp Quarter, which has a lot of fancy restaurants, as well as bars and clubs. Also check out Little Italy or Hillcrest/Uptown for dining as well.
If checking out cool views is your thing, how about going to Cabrillo National Monument on Point Loma, and watch the ocean or downtown san diego. there's always sunset walks on the beach.. Torrey Pines or La Jolla cliffs are nice too!
A trip to the San Diego Zoo is always a good option - it's one of the best zoos in the world. The museums around Balboa Park are decent, and walking around the park is quite enjoyable - check out the Botanical Gardens.
if you like checking out funkier parts of town - go to Ocean Beach or Hillcrest or Pacific Beach. for more upscale shopping, there's downtown La Jolla.
and there's plenty of hiking and mountain biking to be had in the canyons and nearby mountains. if you like watersports, there's sailing, surfing, beach kayakking, etc. many of the nearby indian reservations have casino resorts, like Viejas or Barona, which are pretty high caliber.
Check out some of the other questions in the San Diego section for more ideas of what to see and do!
Hot butt sex is always good, anywhere. You could shower together and have nice clean sex.
Hmmm, what else...oh, you could have sex with another couple, or a menage a trois.
Uh, let's see, this focus is on San Diego...oh, here's a good one, you could have sex in the stands at Petco park, get tickets for seats in the nosebleeds to stay of camera, or do it in the bleachers and show the world!
You could invite the San Diego Chicken into your hotel room for Bird sex!
Well, hope that all helps. Have fun on your trip!
The Zoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Should I file tax return separately or jointly with new spouse?
I'm newly married. My husband is retired and receives a pension in the $600 range. I am working full time, and my income is in the low 6-figure range. What would be the better way to file our 2009 tax returns - separately or jointly? And would my new husband qualify as a dependent, or does his pension disqualify him from being a dependent?Should I file tax return separately or jointly with new spouse?
Spouses are never dependents of the other spouse (for tax purposes). You can file a joint return or both file as ';married filing separately.'; I'd run the numbers both ways to see which is better.Should I file tax return separately or jointly with new spouse?
you file as you are legally entitled to do, married, filing jointly
he is a co taxpayer(not your dependent) on the return, you will have two exemptions, $7300 to reduce your AGI which will include any of his income as well
By the way if you file separately, he'd have to file if he gets and social security because he'd have to add 85% of it to his income and in all likelihood gets more than $3650 a year.
It's almost surely better to file joint, but calculate it both ways and see.
A spouse is NEVER a dependent. His pension has nothing to do with it.
Spouses are never dependents of the other spouse (for tax purposes). You can file a joint return or both file as ';married filing separately.'; I'd run the numbers both ways to see which is better.Should I file tax return separately or jointly with new spouse?
you file as you are legally entitled to do, married, filing jointly
he is a co taxpayer(not your dependent) on the return, you will have two exemptions, $7300 to reduce your AGI which will include any of his income as well
By the way if you file separately, he'd have to file if he gets and social security because he'd have to add 85% of it to his income and in all likelihood gets more than $3650 a year.
It's almost surely better to file joint, but calculate it both ways and see.
A spouse is NEVER a dependent. His pension has nothing to do with it.
When applying for a petition for a visa for a spouse what kind of information is checked out by immigration?
I just applied for my spouse to come to the USA from abroad and am wondering what kind of information immigration is going to check about me. I filed bankruptcy not long ago, will this affect the process at all?When applying for a petition for a visa for a spouse what kind of information is checked out by immigration?
The check are made on your alien friend rather than you
Although you are run for warrants for the interview appearance ... more than a few get caught outWhen applying for a petition for a visa for a spouse what kind of information is checked out by immigration?
Is not going to affect your petition as long you meet now the uscis requirements for sponsorship.The only problem is that you will be required to present the last couples of Tax returns and they can argue that historically you have no stability to support your spouse, if that is the case you will have to present a co-sponsor, who can be any citizen or permanent resident who meet the requirements.
Are you a citizen or a permanent resident?
The uscis is really more concerned about criminal background and political affiliations, but if you are a citizen is more about your spouse than yours
Filing for bankruptcy does not have to effect the process; what you need to do is file an I-864 Affidavit of Support for your spouse, and then in addition to that you have to file a supplemental form I-864 where a co-sponsor agrees to support the financial cost.
Yes it will affect the process. They check how much money you have in the bank and also your bankruptcy status. Im sorry to say hes likely to be declined because you have been declared bankrupt.
This link will answer many of your questions
They will check you both out with a fine tooth comb. Yes they will know about the bankruptcy. However as long as you make the required amount to sponsor him you should be okay.
The check are made on your alien friend rather than you
Although you are run for warrants for the interview appearance ... more than a few get caught outWhen applying for a petition for a visa for a spouse what kind of information is checked out by immigration?
Is not going to affect your petition as long you meet now the uscis requirements for sponsorship.The only problem is that you will be required to present the last couples of Tax returns and they can argue that historically you have no stability to support your spouse, if that is the case you will have to present a co-sponsor, who can be any citizen or permanent resident who meet the requirements.
Are you a citizen or a permanent resident?
The uscis is really more concerned about criminal background and political affiliations, but if you are a citizen is more about your spouse than yours
Filing for bankruptcy does not have to effect the process; what you need to do is file an I-864 Affidavit of Support for your spouse, and then in addition to that you have to file a supplemental form I-864 where a co-sponsor agrees to support the financial cost.
Yes it will affect the process. They check how much money you have in the bank and also your bankruptcy status. Im sorry to say hes likely to be declined because you have been declared bankrupt.
This link will answer many of your questions
They will check you both out with a fine tooth comb. Yes they will know about the bankruptcy. However as long as you make the required amount to sponsor him you should be okay.
Is it considered cheating if you have spoken to your spouse about it?
And are still married for financial reasons but you're seeing someone on the side? It's a situation that I'm witnessing with my friend and I'm trying to wrap my head around whether it's still considered cheating.Is it considered cheating if you have spoken to your spouse about it?
yep still cheatingIs it considered cheating if you have spoken to your spouse about it?
yes i believe its cheating and that you should not be with someone else for no matter what reason you are still married. if your marrige isnt working but your husband is letting it go for financial reasons then you should be very greatful that he does not kick you out on the streets. so dont cheat because that just is not right. if you want another relationship no matter where you are in financial need then you need to get a divorce.
Of course it's still cheating. If she's married and sleeping with/seeing someone else ';on the side';, she's cheating on her husband. They should just get divorced. How selfish.
HOT SHOT: What's the difference between cheating and adultery? Haha. It's the SAME thing.
ohhh.... so you can have sex with 10 different men... but as long as you tell him about it afterwards...... everything is rosy?????
what rock have you crawled out from under.
cheating is cheating no matter how much perfume you put on it.
its not cheating if all people know whats going on. most of the people i know have been in a similar situation at one point.
how can it be cheating if both people are done and just live under one roof?
if you have spoken to them about it, then depending on the answer it would then be an open relationship. Not cheating if it;s a open relationship....
Wow, what a pain in the butt she is. He has to watch her go off with another man. This is some form of abuse.
I think its totally up to the people involved,... actually i have more respect for them discussing the situation, than if they were doing it behind each others back... at least they can talk..
No the partner knows about it then no its not cheating. If hes ok with it and dont care period then i dont see why not.
Still cheating...regardless.
cheating wither accepted or not is still cheating
If the spouse know about it then its not cheating! Its flat out adultery!
Uh, yeah.
If he agrees with it, it's not
Yes! what a sad couple.....I don't know how people live like that....I guess maybe they are just roommates.blue mask makeup books
yep still cheatingIs it considered cheating if you have spoken to your spouse about it?
yes i believe its cheating and that you should not be with someone else for no matter what reason you are still married. if your marrige isnt working but your husband is letting it go for financial reasons then you should be very greatful that he does not kick you out on the streets. so dont cheat because that just is not right. if you want another relationship no matter where you are in financial need then you need to get a divorce.
Of course it's still cheating. If she's married and sleeping with/seeing someone else ';on the side';, she's cheating on her husband. They should just get divorced. How selfish.
HOT SHOT: What's the difference between cheating and adultery? Haha. It's the SAME thing.
ohhh.... so you can have sex with 10 different men... but as long as you tell him about it afterwards...... everything is rosy?????
what rock have you crawled out from under.
cheating is cheating no matter how much perfume you put on it.
its not cheating if all people know whats going on. most of the people i know have been in a similar situation at one point.
how can it be cheating if both people are done and just live under one roof?
if you have spoken to them about it, then depending on the answer it would then be an open relationship. Not cheating if it;s a open relationship....
Wow, what a pain in the butt she is. He has to watch her go off with another man. This is some form of abuse.
I think its totally up to the people involved,... actually i have more respect for them discussing the situation, than if they were doing it behind each others back... at least they can talk..
No the partner knows about it then no its not cheating. If hes ok with it and dont care period then i dont see why not.
Still cheating...regardless.
cheating wither accepted or not is still cheating
If the spouse know about it then its not cheating! Its flat out adultery!
Uh, yeah.
If he agrees with it, it's not
Yes! what a sad couple.....I don't know how people live like that....I guess maybe they are just roommates.
Are you pregnant and running low on patience with your spouse?
I am 34 weeks and very frustrated with my hubby almost every other day.Are you pregnant and running low on patience with your spouse?
gee, only every other day? When I was pregnant I was frustrated with my husband every other hour! LOL That's normal. Your tired. You are carrying a very heavy load on your body and your mind. It is getting close to the due date. THIS IS NORMAL. I would only worry if you STOP being frustrated! LOL Congratulations on the baby.Are you pregnant and running low on patience with your spouse?
Ah, gotta love those raging hormones!! Hang in there, you're almost to the end - then things really get interesting!!!
anything my husband says lately or does makes me cry or gets me pissed off. Like he plays xbox all day before he goes to work...and we are having a little but of financial problems...and we are both stressed, but like i feel like this is the time where we need to try and enjoy each other before the baby comes...but we cant. i like got upset today because he didnt like the way that i was driving...freakin hormones!
Oh my god yes. I got home last night and was irritated with him about something and he was at work. I literally called his voicemail and kept leaving a voice mail, listening to it, erasing it, leaving another one, erasing it, etc for 35 minutes because I wanted to make sure I got my point across exactly. By the time I finished, I wasn't even mad anymore. LOL... it was craziness. I get so frustrated with him at times because I'm so fast paced and I like to get things done right now; he likes to plod along and stop to smell the roses and maybe take a nap. But I'm smiling as I write this because as much as he irritates me, I love him twice as much and I can't wait to meet the daughter he's given me. Try to think about those things when you're ready to rip his face off. :)
thats normal, im pregnant with my second at 29 weeks and can't live without my husband at the moment, i cry when he goes to work. but with my first towards the end i couldn't be around him, i got so annoyed with everything he did, even his face annoyed me, it was sad. but its normal towards the end to feel something, with all the hormones getting ready to have the baby.
Yes, absolutely! I'm tired, raging hormones, and no, I don't want to hear about your day I want to go to bed! LOL!
im 24 weeks along and yes at times i lose patience with him. it doesnt happen a lot though. i realized that he is being the way he always has been and i am the one with the issues...lol. my hubbys not a jerk or anything but sometimes i look at him and wonder why he is so stupid sometimes...lol. it will all be over soon though and our hormones can start going back to normal.
omg me too!!! and i'm only 9 weeks!! sometimes i treat him really bad but it's because everything gets on my nerves and he doesn't really understand that!!! But i feel really bad though!
gee, only every other day? When I was pregnant I was frustrated with my husband every other hour! LOL That's normal. Your tired. You are carrying a very heavy load on your body and your mind. It is getting close to the due date. THIS IS NORMAL. I would only worry if you STOP being frustrated! LOL Congratulations on the baby.Are you pregnant and running low on patience with your spouse?
Ah, gotta love those raging hormones!! Hang in there, you're almost to the end - then things really get interesting!!!
anything my husband says lately or does makes me cry or gets me pissed off. Like he plays xbox all day before he goes to work...and we are having a little but of financial problems...and we are both stressed, but like i feel like this is the time where we need to try and enjoy each other before the baby comes...but we cant. i like got upset today because he didnt like the way that i was driving...freakin hormones!
Oh my god yes. I got home last night and was irritated with him about something and he was at work. I literally called his voicemail and kept leaving a voice mail, listening to it, erasing it, leaving another one, erasing it, etc for 35 minutes because I wanted to make sure I got my point across exactly. By the time I finished, I wasn't even mad anymore. LOL... it was craziness. I get so frustrated with him at times because I'm so fast paced and I like to get things done right now; he likes to plod along and stop to smell the roses and maybe take a nap. But I'm smiling as I write this because as much as he irritates me, I love him twice as much and I can't wait to meet the daughter he's given me. Try to think about those things when you're ready to rip his face off. :)
thats normal, im pregnant with my second at 29 weeks and can't live without my husband at the moment, i cry when he goes to work. but with my first towards the end i couldn't be around him, i got so annoyed with everything he did, even his face annoyed me, it was sad. but its normal towards the end to feel something, with all the hormones getting ready to have the baby.
Yes, absolutely! I'm tired, raging hormones, and no, I don't want to hear about your day I want to go to bed! LOL!
im 24 weeks along and yes at times i lose patience with him. it doesnt happen a lot though. i realized that he is being the way he always has been and i am the one with the issues...lol. my hubbys not a jerk or anything but sometimes i look at him and wonder why he is so stupid sometimes...lol. it will all be over soon though and our hormones can start going back to normal.
omg me too!!! and i'm only 9 weeks!! sometimes i treat him really bad but it's because everything gets on my nerves and he doesn't really understand that!!! But i feel really bad though!
How do you get over hearing graphic details of your spouse's sexual past?
My husband and I use condoms everytime we have sex to prevent pregnancy. Last night he started talking about how he prefers sex without condoms, then he mentioned his ex was on the pill and although it was good sexually he doesn't want me to go on the pill because it made her ';crazy.'; Now, I feel hurt thinking about his sex life with his ex. Whay do I feel this way and how can I get over it?How do you get over hearing graphic details of your spouse's sexual past?
I'm the same way as you. Part of me wants to know about my wife's past. I think she is wiser than I am because she resists telling me. When she has gotten weak and told me things she did with old loves it hurts.
It is natural to feel the way you do. Just realize that this is his past. You are his present and yet to come. He has chosen to be with you now and the future!How do you get over hearing graphic details of your spouse's sexual past?
there are other types of birth control, use the sponge. You are upset that you are married to him and use condoms to prevent pregnancy and therefore, his release is kept from you,and is less intimate, than the sex was with his exgirlfriend. my husband and I use condoms too and it bothers me, because he didn't use condoms with his ex wife, but i can still get pregnant, and I can't use the pill because i am a smoker. I get over it, and sometimes get a little freaked out when it seems he isn't going to cover it up. it's hard to be spontaneous when you are in the heat of the moment and someone has to stop to put a condom on....
Look, what your hubby did before he met you is really non of your buisness... He had no idea he would be married to you, he didnt go out and sleep around to hurt your feeling before he even knew you. While it is wrong to compare your sex life with the sex he had with others, it isent right for you to be upset that he had sex with other women before you... Get it? Next time he saids something... Say ';Well, I am not your ex girlfriend... Your married to me... GUess you'll have to deal with it.'; And walk away, I am sure he wont be making comments like that agian.
its not easy and its very normal to be feeling that way... I hate the thought of my husband and his ex's its not something you should have to get over yea its his past and thats where it should be kept he shouldnt be talking about it anywas let him know how it makes you feel and ask him how he would feel if your were to talk about your ex its just something that you shouldnt re viste after your married.. hang in there...
I don't understand why you feel hurt. Past is past, and there's nothing you can do to change it. Where you a virgin when you met your husband? Surely you knew he was not a virgin when you married? I would think the fact that he prefers being with you is what counts.
I've been married 20 years, but neither my wife nor I were ';pure'; when we married. The fact that she and I chose each other and continue to prefer each other is what counts.
I'm sure he wasn't trying to hurt your feelings, and if he missed sex with her at all, I'm sure he wouldn't have even mentioned it. I know we all want to feel like we're the only ones who have ever given our men pleasure, but it's just not like that. Think about it this way, haven't you been with other men before him? I bet you don't even think about sex with them anymore, and when you do it's so far removed it hardly counts right? So I'm sure he is the same way. You have nothing to worry about. I'm sure there is a good reason she is an ex, and he's with you now.
Why is is that everybody thinks it is weird to wear condoms when you ar married??? I'm married and I wear condoms. The pill was bad for me, the shot made me sick and everything else has hormones in them!!
Screw that, I wrap it up!!
As for your question, I am sure that what you are envisioning in your head is far more graphic than what really transpired. At least he didn't tell you that she was better...I had somebody in the past do that to me...now that hurts.
Every one has a past, if you think your husband was a saint before he blessed you with a marriage, then you are very naive. If it truly bothers you then talk to him about it and ask him not to mention all the kinky stuff that he did with others before he met you. I feel your problem may be a self confidence issue and the only way you can fix that is with the help of therapist. Good luck.
Unless he's having sex with her still, tell him to shut the bleep up and stop mentioning her. Tell him to put the raincoat on his penis and get on with the great wild married people sex. You are married to him and you accepted his past just as he accepted yours. Deal with the stories, or ask him not to mention her because of whatever feelings you have regarding it.
The only way to even some what get over it is to just think, jey i have a past to and its the past for a reason.
But if it really is bothering you just tell him that you would prefer that he didnt talk about their sex life or bring it up.
i would hate that and i think its going to bother no matter what when he talks about it.
Why do you feel that way? You're wrapped too tight.
How can you get over it? Unwrap.
Did you think he and the ex didn't have sex? Oh. You figured they did? So, just exactly WHAT has changed?
(Now if he starts telling you about that thing she used to do that made him crazy, you MIGHT have reason to complain. Especially as you don't sound like you're likely to try it.)
Tell him to go get clipped then.
If you know he wasn't a virgin, then you at least know he had sex before, so just tell him in a nice way, you don't like hearing about his past sex life!!
There are more options with birth control than just condoms and birth control pills. Explore your options
smoke some weeds and eventually you will forget. stop thinking of it. im the same way. honestly. im sure YOU have a sexual past too!!! put a rubber band on your wrist and have the discipline to snap it every time you think of it. dont let this **** ruin your life. weve all got a past and you know it
thats not graphic. and i never knew marrried people used condoms. if he doesnt want you to go on the pill, and it would make you feel better to not use condoms, look into the IUD, the shot or the patch. i personally think your looking too far into things.
I don't really consider that so much him talking about the sex with her, it more or less seems he was referencing a particular experience he has had with women on Birth control? I could be wrong but most men i know have had that experience with at least one woman. lol
Why you two use condoms is beyond me? And why you let a man tell you what to take and not take as birth control is beyond me?
You're building this up in your mind and you need to let it go....it'll only hurt your marriage if you keep it up.
Never a good idea to mention how great sex was with the ex, especially while you are in the sack. Just tell him it hurt your feelings and to please not mention anything like that again. Only time will help you get over it.
Unfortunately, I don't think you can get over it. He should of never discussed details of his ex relationships. It hurts and it will always be in your mind.
That is not a good thing for him to do. He is comparing you to her. That is tough. You need to calmly talk to him about this
Get over it. Did you REALLY want to do it with a virgin?
It's not like he gave you details or told you that she was better. Just move on.
Man he is trying to trap you don't fall for it unless you want to get pregnant. As for the past it is just that the past.
Hurt about his sex life with his ex?
What'd you think they did together? Play Monopoly?
yeah tell him NOT to discuss his s*x life with his ex with you. And it's other methods of birth control, the shot, why are you married using condoms???
That isn't graphic. I know how that feels though... You'll get over it soon. Remember there's a reason he's with You now and not his ex ;)
Exes are part of life. If you can't get over thing like that you will ruin your marriage. Be a bigger person and move on.
BFD. That wasnt graphic!!! BTW condoms do suck. It takes away about 50% of the feeling for me.
It's the idea of your ex being with someone else. We all feel it to some degree. Try talking to him about it
Thats hardly graphic. Trust me.. he could have gone into wayyyyyyyyyyyy more detail.
WTF are married people doing using condoms?
I don't get that at all!
bring her in for a 3 some
Break up with him.
Having sex is for johns and whores.
Get married, then make love,
where the respect for one another is more relevant and if you do
get pregnant the both of you will rejoice,
He is immature and insensitive for bringing something like that up
You are immature for whinning about his past
Neither of you are ready for a serious relationship that includes being physical.
I'm the same way as you. Part of me wants to know about my wife's past. I think she is wiser than I am because she resists telling me. When she has gotten weak and told me things she did with old loves it hurts.
It is natural to feel the way you do. Just realize that this is his past. You are his present and yet to come. He has chosen to be with you now and the future!How do you get over hearing graphic details of your spouse's sexual past?
there are other types of birth control, use the sponge. You are upset that you are married to him and use condoms to prevent pregnancy and therefore, his release is kept from you,and is less intimate, than the sex was with his exgirlfriend. my husband and I use condoms too and it bothers me, because he didn't use condoms with his ex wife, but i can still get pregnant, and I can't use the pill because i am a smoker. I get over it, and sometimes get a little freaked out when it seems he isn't going to cover it up. it's hard to be spontaneous when you are in the heat of the moment and someone has to stop to put a condom on....
Look, what your hubby did before he met you is really non of your buisness... He had no idea he would be married to you, he didnt go out and sleep around to hurt your feeling before he even knew you. While it is wrong to compare your sex life with the sex he had with others, it isent right for you to be upset that he had sex with other women before you... Get it? Next time he saids something... Say ';Well, I am not your ex girlfriend... Your married to me... GUess you'll have to deal with it.'; And walk away, I am sure he wont be making comments like that agian.
its not easy and its very normal to be feeling that way... I hate the thought of my husband and his ex's its not something you should have to get over yea its his past and thats where it should be kept he shouldnt be talking about it anywas let him know how it makes you feel and ask him how he would feel if your were to talk about your ex its just something that you shouldnt re viste after your married.. hang in there...
I don't understand why you feel hurt. Past is past, and there's nothing you can do to change it. Where you a virgin when you met your husband? Surely you knew he was not a virgin when you married? I would think the fact that he prefers being with you is what counts.
I've been married 20 years, but neither my wife nor I were ';pure'; when we married. The fact that she and I chose each other and continue to prefer each other is what counts.
I'm sure he wasn't trying to hurt your feelings, and if he missed sex with her at all, I'm sure he wouldn't have even mentioned it. I know we all want to feel like we're the only ones who have ever given our men pleasure, but it's just not like that. Think about it this way, haven't you been with other men before him? I bet you don't even think about sex with them anymore, and when you do it's so far removed it hardly counts right? So I'm sure he is the same way. You have nothing to worry about. I'm sure there is a good reason she is an ex, and he's with you now.
Why is is that everybody thinks it is weird to wear condoms when you ar married??? I'm married and I wear condoms. The pill was bad for me, the shot made me sick and everything else has hormones in them!!
Screw that, I wrap it up!!
As for your question, I am sure that what you are envisioning in your head is far more graphic than what really transpired. At least he didn't tell you that she was better...I had somebody in the past do that to me...now that hurts.
Every one has a past, if you think your husband was a saint before he blessed you with a marriage, then you are very naive. If it truly bothers you then talk to him about it and ask him not to mention all the kinky stuff that he did with others before he met you. I feel your problem may be a self confidence issue and the only way you can fix that is with the help of therapist. Good luck.
Unless he's having sex with her still, tell him to shut the bleep up and stop mentioning her. Tell him to put the raincoat on his penis and get on with the great wild married people sex. You are married to him and you accepted his past just as he accepted yours. Deal with the stories, or ask him not to mention her because of whatever feelings you have regarding it.
The only way to even some what get over it is to just think, jey i have a past to and its the past for a reason.
But if it really is bothering you just tell him that you would prefer that he didnt talk about their sex life or bring it up.
i would hate that and i think its going to bother no matter what when he talks about it.
Why do you feel that way? You're wrapped too tight.
How can you get over it? Unwrap.
Did you think he and the ex didn't have sex? Oh. You figured they did? So, just exactly WHAT has changed?
(Now if he starts telling you about that thing she used to do that made him crazy, you MIGHT have reason to complain. Especially as you don't sound like you're likely to try it.)
Tell him to go get clipped then.
If you know he wasn't a virgin, then you at least know he had sex before, so just tell him in a nice way, you don't like hearing about his past sex life!!
There are more options with birth control than just condoms and birth control pills. Explore your options
smoke some weeds and eventually you will forget. stop thinking of it. im the same way. honestly. im sure YOU have a sexual past too!!! put a rubber band on your wrist and have the discipline to snap it every time you think of it. dont let this **** ruin your life. weve all got a past and you know it
thats not graphic. and i never knew marrried people used condoms. if he doesnt want you to go on the pill, and it would make you feel better to not use condoms, look into the IUD, the shot or the patch. i personally think your looking too far into things.
I don't really consider that so much him talking about the sex with her, it more or less seems he was referencing a particular experience he has had with women on Birth control? I could be wrong but most men i know have had that experience with at least one woman. lol
Why you two use condoms is beyond me? And why you let a man tell you what to take and not take as birth control is beyond me?
You're building this up in your mind and you need to let it go....it'll only hurt your marriage if you keep it up.
Never a good idea to mention how great sex was with the ex, especially while you are in the sack. Just tell him it hurt your feelings and to please not mention anything like that again. Only time will help you get over it.
Unfortunately, I don't think you can get over it. He should of never discussed details of his ex relationships. It hurts and it will always be in your mind.
That is not a good thing for him to do. He is comparing you to her. That is tough. You need to calmly talk to him about this
Get over it. Did you REALLY want to do it with a virgin?
It's not like he gave you details or told you that she was better. Just move on.
Man he is trying to trap you don't fall for it unless you want to get pregnant. As for the past it is just that the past.
Hurt about his sex life with his ex?
What'd you think they did together? Play Monopoly?
yeah tell him NOT to discuss his s*x life with his ex with you. And it's other methods of birth control, the shot, why are you married using condoms???
That isn't graphic. I know how that feels though... You'll get over it soon. Remember there's a reason he's with You now and not his ex ;)
Exes are part of life. If you can't get over thing like that you will ruin your marriage. Be a bigger person and move on.
BFD. That wasnt graphic!!! BTW condoms do suck. It takes away about 50% of the feeling for me.
It's the idea of your ex being with someone else. We all feel it to some degree. Try talking to him about it
Thats hardly graphic. Trust me.. he could have gone into wayyyyyyyyyyyy more detail.
WTF are married people doing using condoms?
I don't get that at all!
bring her in for a 3 some
Break up with him.
Having sex is for johns and whores.
Get married, then make love,
where the respect for one another is more relevant and if you do
get pregnant the both of you will rejoice,
He is immature and insensitive for bringing something like that up
You are immature for whinning about his past
Neither of you are ready for a serious relationship that includes being physical.
Am I liable for credit card debt awarded to my spouse in Texas?
The CC debt was awarded to my spouse, but she quit paying. Now the CC company is calling me to collect? Am I still liable? YES, This CC debt was awarded to my wife in the divorce, signed by the judge.Am I liable for credit card debt awarded to my spouse in Texas?
The Answer is yes! Texas is a community property state meaning as soon as you get married and until you separate any and all debt aquired by either spouse during this period is a community obligation/debt of both of you. Example say she bought a new car the day after you got married and she signed all the paperwork herself and you were not there and signed nothing, you are still on the hook for that debt. The separation agreement does assign debt but you must see if she assumed it as her sole and separate property or you only assigned the duty of making the payments to CC company. If it not taken as her seperate property they can come after you to collect. Under the law of some states if they come after you may have a separate cause of action against your wife for breach of the settlement agreement or to be reimbursed for having to pay her debt out of your pocket. Also look out for her going bankrupt because any community debt will become your responsibility and force you into bankruptcy. Please speak to an attorney who knows Texas divorce law.Am I liable for credit card debt awarded to my spouse in Texas?
Joint credit accounts are the responsibility of both spouses, even if a divorce decree asserts that one spouse responsible for paying off the joint account. Creditors are not a party to divorce agreements, so they won't recognize only one party as being responsible.
Your only recourse is to take her back to court for violating the agreement. In the meantime, you'll have to make arrangements with the creditor so this doesn't ruin your credit further.
Then no youre not legally obliged to pay due to the divorce. Inform the cc company of this and tell them if they persist on bothering you, that you will sue for harassment from a bill collector. Theyll get the message then. Good luck
No you are no longer liable for the debt once your wife signed the divorce papers.
You might have to mail the CC company a copy of the signed judgment along with a letter to stop collection on you. Once they get that it will be illegal for them to keep contacting (harassing) you.
Yes, as long as your name is on the debt, they can and will continue to come after you. Credit companies don't give a hoot about divorce decrees. I went through the same type of scenario. Had to end up paying it off to save my credit. And I can't find the ex to sue him for the debt I paid that was his so I am totally stuck!
As far as the credit card company is concerned, yes you are still responsible if your name was on the account. They do NOT take divorce judgments into account.
Check with a lawyer in Texas. I think the CC company is trying to scam you into paying her debt but check with a lawyer to be sure. If they are scamming you turn the tables and sue them.
The Answer is yes! Texas is a community property state meaning as soon as you get married and until you separate any and all debt aquired by either spouse during this period is a community obligation/debt of both of you. Example say she bought a new car the day after you got married and she signed all the paperwork herself and you were not there and signed nothing, you are still on the hook for that debt. The separation agreement does assign debt but you must see if she assumed it as her sole and separate property or you only assigned the duty of making the payments to CC company. If it not taken as her seperate property they can come after you to collect. Under the law of some states if they come after you may have a separate cause of action against your wife for breach of the settlement agreement or to be reimbursed for having to pay her debt out of your pocket. Also look out for her going bankrupt because any community debt will become your responsibility and force you into bankruptcy. Please speak to an attorney who knows Texas divorce law.Am I liable for credit card debt awarded to my spouse in Texas?
Joint credit accounts are the responsibility of both spouses, even if a divorce decree asserts that one spouse responsible for paying off the joint account. Creditors are not a party to divorce agreements, so they won't recognize only one party as being responsible.
Your only recourse is to take her back to court for violating the agreement. In the meantime, you'll have to make arrangements with the creditor so this doesn't ruin your credit further.
Then no youre not legally obliged to pay due to the divorce. Inform the cc company of this and tell them if they persist on bothering you, that you will sue for harassment from a bill collector. Theyll get the message then. Good luck
No you are no longer liable for the debt once your wife signed the divorce papers.
You might have to mail the CC company a copy of the signed judgment along with a letter to stop collection on you. Once they get that it will be illegal for them to keep contacting (harassing) you.
Yes, as long as your name is on the debt, they can and will continue to come after you. Credit companies don't give a hoot about divorce decrees. I went through the same type of scenario. Had to end up paying it off to save my credit. And I can't find the ex to sue him for the debt I paid that was his so I am totally stuck!
As far as the credit card company is concerned, yes you are still responsible if your name was on the account. They do NOT take divorce judgments into account.
Check with a lawyer in Texas. I think the CC company is trying to scam you into paying her debt but check with a lawyer to be sure. If they are scamming you turn the tables and sue them.
What if any education benefits does the Marines have for Spouse's?
My husband is in the Marine's I know the Marine's will help him with the cost of college but is there any help for the spouse's?What if any education benefits does the Marines have for Spouse's?
My husband is in the Marines and I am currently making monthly payments on my tuition, that's after using up the max in student loans.
Before you get confused by misiniformation, the Marine Corps does not currently allow the spouse or children to use the GI bill if your husband doesn't intend to use it. The Army is the only branch that currently allows that and even that is under certain conditions.
There are tons of scholarships out there, not just for military families. Go to www.fastweb.com. That is my favorite site for scholarships. If you get an account on there asap you may still be able to apply for scholarships this year, as a lot of them have deadlines earlier in the year.
You can also do some research on www.militaryonesource.com or www.usmc.mil. I haven't been able to obtain any scholarships or any kind of aid, hence the reason why I am still paying out of pocket. But, I have been living in a civilian community so I haven't had the opportunity to go to the education center on base. I have heard they are helpful in guiding you to more money to help for school and some may even offer grants there at the base, so that's worth a try!
Good luck!What if any education benefits does the Marines have for Spouse's?
not really no. you might be able to get a scholarship or something, and most colleges waive residency requirements for spouses of military, but that's about it.
yes, if the service member gives up his education benefits, they can be transferred to his spouse or children.
They are starting to come out with a new program i know of for Army spouses where if your soldier doesnt use his education money awarded to him it can be given to his spouse or any children they have. Im not sure about the marines though
My husband is in the Marines and I am currently making monthly payments on my tuition, that's after using up the max in student loans.
Before you get confused by misiniformation, the Marine Corps does not currently allow the spouse or children to use the GI bill if your husband doesn't intend to use it. The Army is the only branch that currently allows that and even that is under certain conditions.
There are tons of scholarships out there, not just for military families. Go to www.fastweb.com. That is my favorite site for scholarships. If you get an account on there asap you may still be able to apply for scholarships this year, as a lot of them have deadlines earlier in the year.
You can also do some research on www.militaryonesource.com or www.usmc.mil. I haven't been able to obtain any scholarships or any kind of aid, hence the reason why I am still paying out of pocket. But, I have been living in a civilian community so I haven't had the opportunity to go to the education center on base. I have heard they are helpful in guiding you to more money to help for school and some may even offer grants there at the base, so that's worth a try!
Good luck!What if any education benefits does the Marines have for Spouse's?
not really no. you might be able to get a scholarship or something, and most colleges waive residency requirements for spouses of military, but that's about it.
yes, if the service member gives up his education benefits, they can be transferred to his spouse or children.
They are starting to come out with a new program i know of for Army spouses where if your soldier doesnt use his education money awarded to him it can be given to his spouse or any children they have. Im not sure about the marines though
How do you forgive yourself when you cheat on your spouse who did not filled his duties as a husband?
My husband would not help me pay bills he would gamble and do other things I still love him but he drove me to be comfort by another man because he would not help pay any bills in the houseHow do you forgive yourself when you cheat on your spouse who did not filled his duties as a husband?
First off, try accepting responsibility for your actions instead of making it ';his fault'; that you cheated...How do you forgive yourself when you cheat on your spouse who did not filled his duties as a husband?
WOW, and he ';drove'; you to this other guys house!
he must really want you gone!
Sorry to say this but your the very reason this country's in trouble! America has become a no fault nation. What do i mean? Its always the other persons fault never our own. The cigarette companies owe everyone that's ever smoked and now has cancer, its not the persons fault that they smoked, its the companies! McDonald's should be liable for every fat person alive. Its not the individuals fault that their fat, its McDonald's for serving them! Your excuse for cheating is just as bad! You didn't cheat, your husband drove you to it! GET A CLUE! First, leave the dirt bag, and second, don't cheat on the next guy! If your ever at the point of cheating on your spouse your relationship is over! Move on! Hope this helps.
He has a problem. You are blaming him for cheating on your husband.
You need to seek counseling.
Leave with the kids. He is a substance abuser and you MUST protect kids./
Well you can't, really. You didn't fulfill your duties as a wife to remain faithful to him for BETTER or WORSE. So that's what you're going to have to live with.
Stop rationalizing the wrong you've done and start asking for forgiveness. Nothing you say will ever make what you've done right. Now take responsibility for your actions and work on your marriage!
mistake is mistake and no excuse for that;stop blaming others for the wrong u have done,b true to urself,and not let it happen again..
So you did what you had to do. you learned obviously that you still love your husband deeply otherwise you wouldnt feel bad about cheating on his lousy ***. I suggest you look at your relationship, and either get some counseling for him or just get out now. As long as he doesnt find out I dont see a problem here....
Ive heard cheating CAN be beneficial to relationships cuz it wakes people up...if that makes any sense...
My husband did not give me the money to help me pay my bills since he was too busy wasting money so I decided with my own free will to cheat. It's his fault even though I am my own person and I make my own choices. No matter what wrong I do it is his fault..... even though he didn't know I did it while I was doing it!
Seriously, you are both selfish (you blaming him for cheating and for him gambling), irresponsible (you thinking of yourself leading to cheating and him wasting money instead of paying bills), and you both have a lot of work to do if you want your marriage to work so get busy and set an appointment with a GREAT marriage counselor/therapist/coach!!
Good Luck!!
First off, try accepting responsibility for your actions instead of making it ';his fault'; that you cheated...How do you forgive yourself when you cheat on your spouse who did not filled his duties as a husband?
WOW, and he ';drove'; you to this other guys house!
he must really want you gone!
Sorry to say this but your the very reason this country's in trouble! America has become a no fault nation. What do i mean? Its always the other persons fault never our own. The cigarette companies owe everyone that's ever smoked and now has cancer, its not the persons fault that they smoked, its the companies! McDonald's should be liable for every fat person alive. Its not the individuals fault that their fat, its McDonald's for serving them! Your excuse for cheating is just as bad! You didn't cheat, your husband drove you to it! GET A CLUE! First, leave the dirt bag, and second, don't cheat on the next guy! If your ever at the point of cheating on your spouse your relationship is over! Move on! Hope this helps.
He has a problem. You are blaming him for cheating on your husband.
You need to seek counseling.
Leave with the kids. He is a substance abuser and you MUST protect kids./
Well you can't, really. You didn't fulfill your duties as a wife to remain faithful to him for BETTER or WORSE. So that's what you're going to have to live with.
Stop rationalizing the wrong you've done and start asking for forgiveness. Nothing you say will ever make what you've done right. Now take responsibility for your actions and work on your marriage!
mistake is mistake and no excuse for that;stop blaming others for the wrong u have done,b true to urself,and not let it happen again..
So you did what you had to do. you learned obviously that you still love your husband deeply otherwise you wouldnt feel bad about cheating on his lousy ***. I suggest you look at your relationship, and either get some counseling for him or just get out now. As long as he doesnt find out I dont see a problem here....
Ive heard cheating CAN be beneficial to relationships cuz it wakes people up...if that makes any sense...
My husband did not give me the money to help me pay my bills since he was too busy wasting money so I decided with my own free will to cheat. It's his fault even though I am my own person and I make my own choices. No matter what wrong I do it is his fault..... even though he didn't know I did it while I was doing it!
Seriously, you are both selfish (you blaming him for cheating and for him gambling), irresponsible (you thinking of yourself leading to cheating and him wasting money instead of paying bills), and you both have a lot of work to do if you want your marriage to work so get busy and set an appointment with a GREAT marriage counselor/therapist/coach!!
Good Luck!!
Are there any states or countries where a resident can get divorced quickly and easily without the spouse?
For example, assuming you reside in such a state or country, can you file papers saying you want a divorce and don't want anything from your spouse other than what you already have? If your only motive is to be able to remarry as soon as possible, are there any governments that would let you get an instant divorce, without even saying whether you even know where your spouse is?
If not, what state or country has the easiest one-party divorce, and how hard or easy is it?Are there any states or countries where a resident can get divorced quickly and easily without the spouse?
Haiti is the divorce capital of the western hemisphere. Many US residents go to Haiti for quick divorce. They were always recognized in US until recently. Now many states have upheld challenges to ONE PARTY haitian divorces. You would have to confer with a lawyer in your state to see if the one party haitian divorce is still legal for your state.blue mask makeup books
If not, what state or country has the easiest one-party divorce, and how hard or easy is it?Are there any states or countries where a resident can get divorced quickly and easily without the spouse?
Haiti is the divorce capital of the western hemisphere. Many US residents go to Haiti for quick divorce. They were always recognized in US until recently. Now many states have upheld challenges to ONE PARTY haitian divorces. You would have to confer with a lawyer in your state to see if the one party haitian divorce is still legal for your state.
Are there any states or countries where a resident can get divorced quickly and easily without the spouse?
For example, assuming you reside in such a state or country, can you file papers saying you want a divorce and don't want anything from your spouse other than what you already have? If your only motive is to be able to remarry as soon as possible, are there any governments that would let you get an instant divorce, without even saying whether you even know where your spouse is?
If not, what state or country has the easiest one-party divorce, and how hard or easy is it?Are there any states or countries where a resident can get divorced quickly and easily without the spouse?
Haiti is the divorce capital of the western hemisphere. Many US residents go to Haiti for quick divorce. They were always recognized in US until recently. Now many states have upheld challenges to ONE PARTY haitian divorces. You would have to confer with a lawyer in your state to see if the one party haitian divorce is still legal for your state.
If not, what state or country has the easiest one-party divorce, and how hard or easy is it?Are there any states or countries where a resident can get divorced quickly and easily without the spouse?
Haiti is the divorce capital of the western hemisphere. Many US residents go to Haiti for quick divorce. They were always recognized in US until recently. Now many states have upheld challenges to ONE PARTY haitian divorces. You would have to confer with a lawyer in your state to see if the one party haitian divorce is still legal for your state.
What is the best way to deal with a controlling spouse?
i do have laid back personality and my wife im ashamed to say has a strong personality that she always thinks her ideas and decisions
should be followed and she's so persistent about it,im getting uncomfortable and i feel being undermined by her actuation pls give me suggestions on how to deal with itWhat is the best way to deal with a controlling spouse?
Man up.What is the best way to deal with a controlling spouse?
Well I have a I don't care attitude and my wife has the strong personality and she thinks the same as your wife. My response to her when she gets barking is silence I say nothing ignore her and when she starts getting mad I let her have it chew her up and spit her out!! I take no crap from my wife and I can be and sometimes I am very rude nasty and my bad attitude shines through but I HATE WHEN PEOPLE TRY AND TELL ME HOW IT IS HOW TO DO I WILL NOT TOLERATE IT ONE BIT!! Did not take it from my parents growing up do not take it from people in school work and socially and I DO NOT TAKE IT FROM MY WIFE!!!. However I do know that it is putting stress on my marriage and it creates a lot of tension so I am trying to change..MY advice take it in stride and say YES DEAR!!!
First you have to talk to her and if she do not control her behavior than you have to put your foot down. You may need to really speak up and say tell her she is not always right. She will need to work on it and you have to let her know in order for the marriage to work.
The best thing to do is let her know that she is not always right.
Stand up for yourself and don't allow her to steamroll over you.
do not let her to it stand up to her voice your Opinion
leave the person. they will never change
blow it of-not much your gonna be able to do about it
should be followed and she's so persistent about it,im getting uncomfortable and i feel being undermined by her actuation pls give me suggestions on how to deal with itWhat is the best way to deal with a controlling spouse?
Man up.What is the best way to deal with a controlling spouse?
Well I have a I don't care attitude and my wife has the strong personality and she thinks the same as your wife. My response to her when she gets barking is silence I say nothing ignore her and when she starts getting mad I let her have it chew her up and spit her out!! I take no crap from my wife and I can be and sometimes I am very rude nasty and my bad attitude shines through but I HATE WHEN PEOPLE TRY AND TELL ME HOW IT IS HOW TO DO I WILL NOT TOLERATE IT ONE BIT!! Did not take it from my parents growing up do not take it from people in school work and socially and I DO NOT TAKE IT FROM MY WIFE!!!. However I do know that it is putting stress on my marriage and it creates a lot of tension so I am trying to change..MY advice take it in stride and say YES DEAR!!!
First you have to talk to her and if she do not control her behavior than you have to put your foot down. You may need to really speak up and say tell her she is not always right. She will need to work on it and you have to let her know in order for the marriage to work.
The best thing to do is let her know that she is not always right.
Stand up for yourself and don't allow her to steamroll over you.
do not let her to it stand up to her voice your Opinion
leave the person. they will never change
blow it of-not much your gonna be able to do about it
How do you overcome this gap between you and your spouse?
Your experience or ideas will be appreciated. My husband is more of a 'reactive' type of person. He would go ahead and do things out of impulse, and not use the though process of thinking it through, and see the consequences of his choices of actions. I am more analytical, and I prefer to do things seeing the end results of them, so I don't end up scrambling, fixing things after I did something stupid because I just didn't think.How do you overcome this gap between you and your spouse?
If possible, SHOW him, with strong examples of the consequences of NOT discussing, and deciding on things together....鈾モ櫏How do you overcome this gap between you and your spouse?
He gets mad, cuz he hates to see you RIGHT, again! Give him time. He will one day learn to TRUST you judgment! 鈾モ櫏
This reminds me of an anniversary card a friend got after 20 yrs in the marriage trenches. Husband is importuned by friends to share the reason for the relationship's success over the weary years: 'She makes all the easy decsions; the tough ones are reserved for me. Fortunately, all the decisions so far have been easy!'
Until 'reactive' develops his intellect enough to think past his skippy, don't give him any tough decisions.
The thing is, once you accept someone's 'gaps,' you can't use the information against them. If you still love Mr. Fool, just keep him away from anything dangerous. And maybe hire a good atty and an accnt.
Most importantly, don't expect Mr. Fool to appreciate your superior reasoning abilities. You'll have to keep this to yourself. Only smart people seem to know when their judgment may be somehow impaired.
start by understanding and respecting the differences between you.
End by accepting and working making the most of those differences.
You probably will have to be creative to make this work.
marriage = 2 people
2 personalities
2 different ideals
2 different behavior patterns
2 different sexual appetites
Then we marry and hope our new mate is compatible with us!
Opposites do attract, and can usually with stand the stress and strains!
good luck
I'm a ';fly by the seat of my pants'; kind of girl. My husband makes all his own decisions, and usually lots of mine. I don't mind. I love to say the words ';I told you so.';
If possible, SHOW him, with strong examples of the consequences of NOT discussing, and deciding on things together....鈾モ櫏How do you overcome this gap between you and your spouse?
He gets mad, cuz he hates to see you RIGHT, again! Give him time. He will one day learn to TRUST you judgment! 鈾モ櫏
Report Abuse
This reminds me of an anniversary card a friend got after 20 yrs in the marriage trenches. Husband is importuned by friends to share the reason for the relationship's success over the weary years: 'She makes all the easy decsions; the tough ones are reserved for me. Fortunately, all the decisions so far have been easy!'
Until 'reactive' develops his intellect enough to think past his skippy, don't give him any tough decisions.
The thing is, once you accept someone's 'gaps,' you can't use the information against them. If you still love Mr. Fool, just keep him away from anything dangerous. And maybe hire a good atty and an accnt.
Most importantly, don't expect Mr. Fool to appreciate your superior reasoning abilities. You'll have to keep this to yourself. Only smart people seem to know when their judgment may be somehow impaired.
start by understanding and respecting the differences between you.
End by accepting and working making the most of those differences.
You probably will have to be creative to make this work.
marriage = 2 people
2 personalities
2 different ideals
2 different behavior patterns
2 different sexual appetites
Then we marry and hope our new mate is compatible with us!
Opposites do attract, and can usually with stand the stress and strains!
good luck
I'm a ';fly by the seat of my pants'; kind of girl. My husband makes all his own decisions, and usually lots of mine. I don't mind. I love to say the words ';I told you so.';
Can a married couple make a legal contract where one spouse can purchase property in their name only?
If one spouse wants to buy an apartment with his or her personal life savings, can that spouse make a binding legal contract where that property will remain in his or her possession if the couple divorces?Can a married couple make a legal contract where one spouse can purchase property in their name only?
In most cases, I believe the property would need to be purchased BEFORE the wedding. And remember that even with contracts, pre-nups, and the like, if there are children, then its all up for grabs in a divorce.
Simply put, no one can legally sign away their children's rights to a parent's assets.
Good luck with this one...Can a married couple make a legal contract where one spouse can purchase property in their name only?
If It's a community property state, you're gonna have problems. You should probably check the laws in your state. Especially if you are going to buy land or something like that that has permanence and value. In Texas, it isn't legal. Everything purchased by one spouse automatically shares ownership with the other. She might not need your jock strap, but it's still partly hers.
No, that's why you are legally married, you share in the fortune and loss equally. You seem to be another one that wants it both ways at the same time, are you sure you're not jewish.
In most states, yes.
Community property states, it could be tricky.
In most cases, I believe the property would need to be purchased BEFORE the wedding. And remember that even with contracts, pre-nups, and the like, if there are children, then its all up for grabs in a divorce.
Simply put, no one can legally sign away their children's rights to a parent's assets.
Good luck with this one...Can a married couple make a legal contract where one spouse can purchase property in their name only?
If It's a community property state, you're gonna have problems. You should probably check the laws in your state. Especially if you are going to buy land or something like that that has permanence and value. In Texas, it isn't legal. Everything purchased by one spouse automatically shares ownership with the other. She might not need your jock strap, but it's still partly hers.
No, that's why you are legally married, you share in the fortune and loss equally. You seem to be another one that wants it both ways at the same time, are you sure you're not jewish.
In most states, yes.
Community property states, it could be tricky.
Do you have someone special in your life besides your spouse?
At least someone you can talk to?Do you have someone special in your life besides your spouse?
i do . i think of her as a second sister .
she has been a blessing in my life
even when shes in '; a mood '; lol D :)Do you have someone special in your life besides your spouse?
Sweet L, nope, flying solo these days. That's why I'm on here so much.
yes my best friend for over 15 years
Yes my counselor!
yes, my sisters
i do . i think of her as a second sister .
she has been a blessing in my life
even when shes in '; a mood '; lol D :)Do you have someone special in your life besides your spouse?
Sweet L, nope, flying solo these days. That's why I'm on here so much.
yes my best friend for over 15 years
Yes my counselor!
yes, my sisters
If you are married, do you have to cover your spouse on your car insurance?
My husband is covered as a driver under his company and drives his company truck everywhere. He NEVER drives my car, but the insurance company says he has to be listed because he's my spouse. Is this true? I have a perfect driving record, but my husband not so hot, so our policy is ridiculously high.If you are married, do you have to cover your spouse on your car insurance?
For auto insurance the quick way to get a free quote is do a auto policy comparison. If you choose the same coverage amounts, you can get an fast quote to compare against others. Use the same coverage area, auto make/model, mileage and driving history to make sure you get an apples to apples comparison. To get fast auto quotes, go to http://www.autoadviceonline.com/Auto-Insurance-Quote.html and you can compare the major auto insurance companies.If you are married, do you have to cover your spouse on your car insurance?
This varies from state to state. In CA you do not have to have to carry coverage on him (as a driver for your car), but if he gets in an accident, he will not be covered and you will be personally liable for any damage.
This might,however, be an issue if he does not have his own car, and the only vehicle in the household is yours. The company he works for or any company truck is not relevent to your personal insurance issue. That is that company's liability issue.
I would suggest getting an old car for him, and listing him as the primary driver on that vehicle. Run that idea by your insurance agent.
Yes it is wise to do so. Something may come up and he may need your car for something. Since you are legally married to him, you have to cover him under your insurance, but you can list him as a part time driver and how many miles he drives your car. And you can explain to them that he drives his company vehicle. Sorry his history makes your insurance go up. Hopefully in time he will accumulate a good driving record and your insurance will go down.
All licensed drivers that live in the same household is required by law (in most states) to be listed on the auto insurance policy for the household- BUT!
You should be able to include him as an EXCLUDED driver on your policy. That is telling your insurance that he is NOT authorized to drive ANY vehicle, for any reason, that is insured under your policy %26amp; will not drive any vehicles you have insured for any reason..
That law may vary from state to state, but I believe that most states do have that option available to the policy holders. And hopefully, it will reduce your premiums some if you can add him as an excluded driver.
Commercial insurance doesn't work that way.
On a commercial policy, if he doesn't have a special coverage called ';drive other car'; coverage (which is NOT automatic, and NOT built in, and NOT available with all companies), HE is not covered. If he rents a car or borrows a car, he is not covered.
Yes, on a personal auto policy, your spouse must either be a listed driver, OR, completely excluded from coverage. Most insurance companies won't agree to exclude a spouse, as in my experience, the spouses still drive the cars. Especially the men. They don't want their wives driving them, it's a macho thing.
If you live with him and he has a driver's license and IF the insurance company says so, then the answer is yes.
It is possible that the laws, regulations or insurance company rules may vary from state to state and from one insurance company to another.
Yes its true , it under the assumption that anybody living in the household with a drivers license can and will one day drive your car, they are only trying to protect you, and it doesn't affect your premiums, so there's no harm..............Red
You can have them put an exclusion on him for your policy. That way he isn't covered by the policy and you don't have to pay for him.
They have a form you can sign that states he will NEVER drive your vehicle. Understand though you are totally liable if he does.
Personally, we are on each others just in case.
insurance usually requires all licensed drivers in a household to be listed as potential drivers.
the only time your spouse does not need to be covered on your insurance is when your spouse does not know how to drive.
Yes. Otherwise you may be able to exclude him, but he can never drive the car because he won't be insured.
if your husband was driving your car and got into a accident you would not be covered. Thats all it means.blue mask makeup books
For auto insurance the quick way to get a free quote is do a auto policy comparison. If you choose the same coverage amounts, you can get an fast quote to compare against others. Use the same coverage area, auto make/model, mileage and driving history to make sure you get an apples to apples comparison. To get fast auto quotes, go to http://www.autoadviceonline.com/Auto-Insurance-Quote.html and you can compare the major auto insurance companies.If you are married, do you have to cover your spouse on your car insurance?
This varies from state to state. In CA you do not have to have to carry coverage on him (as a driver for your car), but if he gets in an accident, he will not be covered and you will be personally liable for any damage.
This might,however, be an issue if he does not have his own car, and the only vehicle in the household is yours. The company he works for or any company truck is not relevent to your personal insurance issue. That is that company's liability issue.
I would suggest getting an old car for him, and listing him as the primary driver on that vehicle. Run that idea by your insurance agent.
Yes it is wise to do so. Something may come up and he may need your car for something. Since you are legally married to him, you have to cover him under your insurance, but you can list him as a part time driver and how many miles he drives your car. And you can explain to them that he drives his company vehicle. Sorry his history makes your insurance go up. Hopefully in time he will accumulate a good driving record and your insurance will go down.
All licensed drivers that live in the same household is required by law (in most states) to be listed on the auto insurance policy for the household- BUT!
You should be able to include him as an EXCLUDED driver on your policy. That is telling your insurance that he is NOT authorized to drive ANY vehicle, for any reason, that is insured under your policy %26amp; will not drive any vehicles you have insured for any reason..
That law may vary from state to state, but I believe that most states do have that option available to the policy holders. And hopefully, it will reduce your premiums some if you can add him as an excluded driver.
Commercial insurance doesn't work that way.
On a commercial policy, if he doesn't have a special coverage called ';drive other car'; coverage (which is NOT automatic, and NOT built in, and NOT available with all companies), HE is not covered. If he rents a car or borrows a car, he is not covered.
Yes, on a personal auto policy, your spouse must either be a listed driver, OR, completely excluded from coverage. Most insurance companies won't agree to exclude a spouse, as in my experience, the spouses still drive the cars. Especially the men. They don't want their wives driving them, it's a macho thing.
If you live with him and he has a driver's license and IF the insurance company says so, then the answer is yes.
It is possible that the laws, regulations or insurance company rules may vary from state to state and from one insurance company to another.
Yes its true , it under the assumption that anybody living in the household with a drivers license can and will one day drive your car, they are only trying to protect you, and it doesn't affect your premiums, so there's no harm..............Red
You can have them put an exclusion on him for your policy. That way he isn't covered by the policy and you don't have to pay for him.
They have a form you can sign that states he will NEVER drive your vehicle. Understand though you are totally liable if he does.
Personally, we are on each others just in case.
insurance usually requires all licensed drivers in a household to be listed as potential drivers.
the only time your spouse does not need to be covered on your insurance is when your spouse does not know how to drive.
Yes. Otherwise you may be able to exclude him, but he can never drive the car because he won't be insured.
if your husband was driving your car and got into a accident you would not be covered. Thats all it means.
Would you be willing to bet your life that your spouse has not cheated on you?
I know I know it's all about trust in a relationship but that's a serious game of russian roulette.Would you be willing to bet your life that your spouse has not cheated on you?
I have been with my hubby for 24 years, I would bet my life and his life that he has never cheated on me.
And I know for a fact I have never cheated on himWould you be willing to bet your life that your spouse has not cheated on you?
Yes, As Christians we believe in been faithful. With Jesus Christ in the center of our marriage I will never have to worry about my hubby ever cheating
I would without a doubt bet my life that my husband has never cheated nor will he ever. He is my best friend and I am his. He was cheated on before we got together by his ex and it effected him badly and we both agree that if we feel we need to be unfaithful we would let the other know and break it off first. I also make sure by trying to make all of his fantasys come true.
I would bet my life my hubby hasn't cheated. He was cheated on by both of his exes and suffered a breakdown after the second one - he would never put anyone through what he suffered, even his worst enemy, so there is no way he will ever cheat on me.
If you had of asked me this two mths ago I would have said yes, but now I know better, he did have an affair and he was one of the men wives talk about that say I KNOW HE WOULD NEVER. He stated he would never do it, hated the thought etc then he did.
Never say never people you just dont know.
Nope...I know he has, which is why we're separated..well partly. In all honesty, I think everyone does, or has..those who believe their significant others haven't or don't are poor poor souls...who are just with smart players.
i wouldn't bet my life on it but i bet most women are saying yes and who cheats the most, MEN
These days no one can bet either boy or girl that their spouse has not cheated.
I know its one thing to trust your spouse but it's another when it comes to putting your life on the line....
Do you know how many women say ';I know my husband and I know he loves me with all his heart and would never cheat on me'; Well I'm sure there are plenty of other women out there that felt the same way and if they had bet their lives they'd be looking down from heaven wondering what the hell went wrong. And I know there are some women that cheat and their husbands have that same mentality.
Women and men can be so naive at times. What you don't think could happen there is always a possibility that it can.
Doesn't matter how long you've been married...5, 10, 20 years....You could die not every knowing your spouse stepped out on you.
That's just the awful truth.
i would bet my life my boyfriend has not cheated on me we have been together for 2 1/2 years and are getting married 8-24-2010 if not sooner
Yes i would cause i know my husband and i know he has never cheated and never would cheat on me cause he loves me more then anything and would never do anything to hurt me or our marriage plus i know his views on cheating..He is totally against infidelity.
I already have bet it.
No I don't want to bet that.
And yes it's a serious game of Russian roulette.
I have been with my hubby for 24 years, I would bet my life and his life that he has never cheated on me.
And I know for a fact I have never cheated on himWould you be willing to bet your life that your spouse has not cheated on you?
Yes, As Christians we believe in been faithful. With Jesus Christ in the center of our marriage I will never have to worry about my hubby ever cheating
I would without a doubt bet my life that my husband has never cheated nor will he ever. He is my best friend and I am his. He was cheated on before we got together by his ex and it effected him badly and we both agree that if we feel we need to be unfaithful we would let the other know and break it off first. I also make sure by trying to make all of his fantasys come true.
I would bet my life my hubby hasn't cheated. He was cheated on by both of his exes and suffered a breakdown after the second one - he would never put anyone through what he suffered, even his worst enemy, so there is no way he will ever cheat on me.
If you had of asked me this two mths ago I would have said yes, but now I know better, he did have an affair and he was one of the men wives talk about that say I KNOW HE WOULD NEVER. He stated he would never do it, hated the thought etc then he did.
Never say never people you just dont know.
Nope...I know he has, which is why we're separated..well partly. In all honesty, I think everyone does, or has..those who believe their significant others haven't or don't are poor poor souls...who are just with smart players.
i wouldn't bet my life on it but i bet most women are saying yes and who cheats the most, MEN
These days no one can bet either boy or girl that their spouse has not cheated.
I know its one thing to trust your spouse but it's another when it comes to putting your life on the line....
Do you know how many women say ';I know my husband and I know he loves me with all his heart and would never cheat on me'; Well I'm sure there are plenty of other women out there that felt the same way and if they had bet their lives they'd be looking down from heaven wondering what the hell went wrong. And I know there are some women that cheat and their husbands have that same mentality.
Women and men can be so naive at times. What you don't think could happen there is always a possibility that it can.
Doesn't matter how long you've been married...5, 10, 20 years....You could die not every knowing your spouse stepped out on you.
That's just the awful truth.
i would bet my life my boyfriend has not cheated on me we have been together for 2 1/2 years and are getting married 8-24-2010 if not sooner
Yes i would cause i know my husband and i know he has never cheated and never would cheat on me cause he loves me more then anything and would never do anything to hurt me or our marriage plus i know his views on cheating..He is totally against infidelity.
I already have bet it.
No I don't want to bet that.
And yes it's a serious game of Russian roulette.
What bible verse says its permissible to divorce your cheating spouse?
Matthew 19:9
I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for marital unfaithfulness, and marries another woman commits adultery.';What bible verse says its permissible to divorce your cheating spouse?
Matthew 19:3,9
I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for marital unfaithfulness, and marries another woman commits adultery.';What bible verse says its permissible to divorce your cheating spouse?
Matthew 19:3,9
I'm a stay at home mom filing a injured spouse form. My husband owes back child support. Will I get a refund?
My income is minimal for last year and didn't pay much in taxes. From what I've read is that the eic will be based on income. I don't think its fair that my baby will give his ex-wife a big fat tax return check. What about the rebate checks that are coming, I guess she'll get that too. I need the money for my family! What can I do?I'm a stay at home mom filing a injured spouse form. My husband owes back child support. Will I get a refund?
Yes EIC is based on income earned. Child support is not deductible for the one paying it and it is not claimed as income earned by the receiving it.
As for the rebate check. If you make more than 3,000 dollars in the year 2007 then you will the minimum of a $300 rebate.
Whoever claims the child on the 2007 income tax return will get an additional $300.I'm a stay at home mom filing a injured spouse form. My husband owes back child support. Will I get a refund?
filing the innocent/injured spouse form should save part of the refund for you -maybe half - not sure exactly how much
Myesha j... NO! WHY dont YOU be a step parent and deal with what we have to deal with. You prolly dont have any clue what its like. Especially in our economy. NOONE said ANYTHING about not wanting to support their kids or that they didnt deserve to be supported! Supporting his kids? They have a baby TOO! What makes his kids any more valuable than theirs together? ALL KIDS SHOULD BE TAKEN CARE OF!! Yes even the new baby. How do you know she doesnt work she said minimal income and who said she was asking for handouts? And just to enlighten you.... child support can get behind for many different reasons, such as medical, lay offs etc. its a MISCONCEPTION that ALL NON-CUSTODIAL PARENTS DONT WANT TO PAY. For example: What if he gets hit by a car and has major surgry and cant work...that because he doesnt want to pay?some things are out of our control. Who expects a lay off? Eat your own words. Dont critize until you walked in a someone elses shoes.
My apologies sunshine. No its not fair. hubbys ex has 3 kids 3 different dads and she lives with her B/F. She lets him claim one and she claims the other two, they both file head of household so they both get EIC PLUS she gets hubbys return and her other exs return. They get back like 10K between the two of them. Its a crock of crap! Meanwhile we have two girls here at home who are just as deserving as they are, we deal with it though. We bust hump TO PAY our bills and keep up with FOC and we still lose in the end. Thats FOC for you. 10K why does our daughter look like crap everytime we see her....between support and returns, that child should have college savings in addition to descent cloths!!
Yes you can still get a portion of your taxes back. I have done this for years now! What happens is your file your return as normal, bit file an ';injured spouse form'; What ever percentage of taxes you personally paid in is the percentage of taxes you should get back out of your retuen. They use an income allocation table to figure it. It basically releases you from being financially responsible for his back support, unless you legally adopted hubbys kids.
Hubby has back support and they are offsetting his taxes. I never adopted the kids therefore im not finacially responsible for them. I still get back a small chunk but nothing near the total. The thing with injured spouse forms is it delays getting your return back. It wouldnt do you any good to rapid refund them, the injured spouse will tie it up for processing reasons.
The other option is to file married seperately but then you lose any EIC credits. Either way it kills your return but at least your getting something back.
Get a Lawyer
If you didn't personally have much income, the injured spouse form won't make much difference. And she's getting the big check because of the overdue child support payments - it's money she had coming to her before this. Sorry, but not much of anything you can do.
As you search around the Internet, you see links to websites and such, almost screaming at you ';MAKE MONEY ONLINE!'; and what do you do? Well, you already know, from clicking on those links before, that all they want is money. Now that doesn't make any sense at all now does it? How are you supposed to make money, if you have to pay for it? Seems like a lost cause to me. Personally, I hate programs such as that, and I would never suggest something like that to you. But hey, if you're looking to make some money online, 100% free, then this is what you've been looking for.
My experience with owed child support in the state of Missouri. They never tried to get the federal return. The state refund they will grab it if you owe and make you pay the balance to the state that you owe.
The federal gov will only look at the child support issue if you are trying to get a pas port and you owe more than $1000.
I hope this information helps.
Good luck
The injured spouse form only works if you had some income. If you had no recordable income at all. You cannot file this form. Now you did say minimal income for last year, so I'm assuming you had at least a little bit. The injured spouse form is all about percentages, and what your returns would have looked like if you would have filed seperately. You will still get some money back for your share since you are filling this form, but if you husband makes all the money, it won't be a very big portion of your total return. Also, keep in mind, an injured spouse form takes time. It will be at least 2 or 3 months before they finalize everything %26amp; send you your share, so be patient.
Now as far as the rebate checks, it depends on how much back support your husband has. Since you are filing the injured spouse form, you will automatically get your share of the tax rebate check. If you husbands tax return takes care of all of his back support, or gets it below $500, then he will get his rebate check too, not child support. If his back support is still over $500 when the rebate checks get sent out, child support will take that too.
Honestly there is nothing else you can do. As long as he has back support of $500 or more, they will always take his tax return. You can always get your share back, if you had income, but his is spoken for so to speak. I know it sucks.
Yes EIC is based on income earned. Child support is not deductible for the one paying it and it is not claimed as income earned by the receiving it.
As for the rebate check. If you make more than 3,000 dollars in the year 2007 then you will the minimum of a $300 rebate.
Whoever claims the child on the 2007 income tax return will get an additional $300.I'm a stay at home mom filing a injured spouse form. My husband owes back child support. Will I get a refund?
filing the innocent/injured spouse form should save part of the refund for you -maybe half - not sure exactly how much
Myesha j... NO! WHY dont YOU be a step parent and deal with what we have to deal with. You prolly dont have any clue what its like. Especially in our economy. NOONE said ANYTHING about not wanting to support their kids or that they didnt deserve to be supported! Supporting his kids? They have a baby TOO! What makes his kids any more valuable than theirs together? ALL KIDS SHOULD BE TAKEN CARE OF!! Yes even the new baby. How do you know she doesnt work she said minimal income and who said she was asking for handouts? And just to enlighten you.... child support can get behind for many different reasons, such as medical, lay offs etc. its a MISCONCEPTION that ALL NON-CUSTODIAL PARENTS DONT WANT TO PAY. For example: What if he gets hit by a car and has major surgry and cant work...that because he doesnt want to pay?some things are out of our control. Who expects a lay off? Eat your own words. Dont critize until you walked in a someone elses shoes.
My apologies sunshine. No its not fair. hubbys ex has 3 kids 3 different dads and she lives with her B/F. She lets him claim one and she claims the other two, they both file head of household so they both get EIC PLUS she gets hubbys return and her other exs return. They get back like 10K between the two of them. Its a crock of crap! Meanwhile we have two girls here at home who are just as deserving as they are, we deal with it though. We bust hump TO PAY our bills and keep up with FOC and we still lose in the end. Thats FOC for you. 10K why does our daughter look like crap everytime we see her....between support and returns, that child should have college savings in addition to descent cloths!!
Yes you can still get a portion of your taxes back. I have done this for years now! What happens is your file your return as normal, bit file an ';injured spouse form'; What ever percentage of taxes you personally paid in is the percentage of taxes you should get back out of your retuen. They use an income allocation table to figure it. It basically releases you from being financially responsible for his back support, unless you legally adopted hubbys kids.
Hubby has back support and they are offsetting his taxes. I never adopted the kids therefore im not finacially responsible for them. I still get back a small chunk but nothing near the total. The thing with injured spouse forms is it delays getting your return back. It wouldnt do you any good to rapid refund them, the injured spouse will tie it up for processing reasons.
The other option is to file married seperately but then you lose any EIC credits. Either way it kills your return but at least your getting something back.
Get a Lawyer
If you didn't personally have much income, the injured spouse form won't make much difference. And she's getting the big check because of the overdue child support payments - it's money she had coming to her before this. Sorry, but not much of anything you can do.
As you search around the Internet, you see links to websites and such, almost screaming at you ';MAKE MONEY ONLINE!'; and what do you do? Well, you already know, from clicking on those links before, that all they want is money. Now that doesn't make any sense at all now does it? How are you supposed to make money, if you have to pay for it? Seems like a lost cause to me. Personally, I hate programs such as that, and I would never suggest something like that to you. But hey, if you're looking to make some money online, 100% free, then this is what you've been looking for.
My experience with owed child support in the state of Missouri. They never tried to get the federal return. The state refund they will grab it if you owe and make you pay the balance to the state that you owe.
The federal gov will only look at the child support issue if you are trying to get a pas port and you owe more than $1000.
I hope this information helps.
Good luck
The injured spouse form only works if you had some income. If you had no recordable income at all. You cannot file this form. Now you did say minimal income for last year, so I'm assuming you had at least a little bit. The injured spouse form is all about percentages, and what your returns would have looked like if you would have filed seperately. You will still get some money back for your share since you are filling this form, but if you husband makes all the money, it won't be a very big portion of your total return. Also, keep in mind, an injured spouse form takes time. It will be at least 2 or 3 months before they finalize everything %26amp; send you your share, so be patient.
Now as far as the rebate checks, it depends on how much back support your husband has. Since you are filing the injured spouse form, you will automatically get your share of the tax rebate check. If you husbands tax return takes care of all of his back support, or gets it below $500, then he will get his rebate check too, not child support. If his back support is still over $500 when the rebate checks get sent out, child support will take that too.
Honestly there is nothing else you can do. As long as he has back support of $500 or more, they will always take his tax return. You can always get your share back, if you had income, but his is spoken for so to speak. I know it sucks.
If a women has an affair and leaves her spouse what side do you take?
If you don't here the story or you do hear it do women always take the females side. Or do they take the husbands side who was cheated on. Or not really give a **** just curious.If a women has an affair and leaves her spouse what side do you take?
When it comes to Baba Yaga's answer, Dilu's answer, and the others who felt like saying ';it depends on the situation';, I have to look back and wonder, is this our intellectual generation at work?
I don't know who generated this idea that morality could ever be labeled as circumstancial, especially in the case of adultery, but I must protest it. Adultery, is adultery, is adultery, is adultery, there is no ';oh well what about their feelings';, nor is there';well what about the circumstances';. the answer is there are no circumstances.
The fact is, like it or not, when you get married, you are making what is intended to be a life long decision. If you aren't sure you can make that kind of decision, then don't get married and stay out of love, it isn't meant for you.
I mean, marriage is for adults, real people whom are mature. It isn't for a bunch of emotion wound teenagers like Baba Yaga, whom think it's a ';here today, gone tommorow'; kind of thing. You don't go in front of the altar because that day you felt like it, you do it because you want something permanent for once.
Anyone, who ever commits adultery for whatever reason is wrong. there are no conditions otherwise, and anyone who thinks there are fails to grasp what a vow is. I don't need to chastise any further, because Baba Yaga's philosophy will bite him/her back eventually, same with the rest who have taken to the same idea.If a women has an affair and leaves her spouse what side do you take?
How about the backside?
It's no one elses business other than the people involved...stay out of it
I don't agree with what most of the other's say: If you are a friend of one of them, you are going to take sides. Whose side depends upon the circumstances.
I would try not to be judgmental; failing that I would try not to say anything negative about either one.
I would remain friends with my friend even if he/she were in the wrong.
If women seem to always take the woman's side it is probably because the women are friends %26amp; it is her side they hear about.
That's a question that can't logically be answered. Each situation is unique. My personal opinion I can give you - I am unforgiving regarding infidelity - I could not take my girlfriend's side for cheating on her husband and walking out on her. IMO if you're that miserable, then you should split up - not cheat.
But most people do not think as black and white as I do.
What? Are you KIDDING ME? Its GOT to be the man's fault... afterall.. we are the reason for every single problem women have. Hell... he must have done SOMETHING to cause her to cheat.. even though two wrongs don't make a right... its still HIS fault... not hers LOL Didnt you know that? Silly rabbit.
It depends on what happend. Why did the woman decide to have the affair? You just need more information about the situation in order to take a side. It's always hard to pick a side when something like that happens. But lets say i was her friend, I could either A: be on her side bc i would know why she did it or i could B: say i take her side because she is my good friend but behind her back totally not agree with her decision to cheat.
It all just depends on the situation.
Cheating is commited by the ignorant, the punks and the cowards. This goes for both genders.
well they do say behind every ***** is a man that made her that way! and you didnt even give a full story here. maybe her husband was an *** and treated her like ****. you neverrr know. but i probably would take the womans side. even though the cheating is usually done by the males...
its a to be considering all conditions. %26amp; even depends on the persons feelings . only can take side after leasoning to both feelings
Sorry, but I am a trifle biased on this issue. My ';Mother'; had an affair, walked out on My Father, dumped both Myself and My Brother at a railway station, and then ran off with Her 16 year old girlfriend. Any idea who ended up as the ';injured party';? Guess which side I am on?
As far as others are concerned, most people will assert that each individual case must be measured on it's merits. For the most part, it is invariably the Man who is blamed irregardless of the circumstances. He had an affair, or He made Her have an affair. That seems to be the basic logic used by Our society.
Personally I am far too morally corrupt, and intellectually apathetic to give a toss one way or the other (a product of the modern times). The same goes for a lot of people who have heard enough lies about cheating partners to last Us a lifetime.
I don't agree with anyone who cheats. These people are better off not having serious relationships.
When it comes to Baba Yaga's answer, Dilu's answer, and the others who felt like saying ';it depends on the situation';, I have to look back and wonder, is this our intellectual generation at work?
I don't know who generated this idea that morality could ever be labeled as circumstancial, especially in the case of adultery, but I must protest it. Adultery, is adultery, is adultery, is adultery, there is no ';oh well what about their feelings';, nor is there';well what about the circumstances';. the answer is there are no circumstances.
The fact is, like it or not, when you get married, you are making what is intended to be a life long decision. If you aren't sure you can make that kind of decision, then don't get married and stay out of love, it isn't meant for you.
I mean, marriage is for adults, real people whom are mature. It isn't for a bunch of emotion wound teenagers like Baba Yaga, whom think it's a ';here today, gone tommorow'; kind of thing. You don't go in front of the altar because that day you felt like it, you do it because you want something permanent for once.
Anyone, who ever commits adultery for whatever reason is wrong. there are no conditions otherwise, and anyone who thinks there are fails to grasp what a vow is. I don't need to chastise any further, because Baba Yaga's philosophy will bite him/her back eventually, same with the rest who have taken to the same idea.If a women has an affair and leaves her spouse what side do you take?
How about the backside?
It's no one elses business other than the people involved...stay out of it
I don't agree with what most of the other's say: If you are a friend of one of them, you are going to take sides. Whose side depends upon the circumstances.
I would try not to be judgmental; failing that I would try not to say anything negative about either one.
I would remain friends with my friend even if he/she were in the wrong.
If women seem to always take the woman's side it is probably because the women are friends %26amp; it is her side they hear about.
That's a question that can't logically be answered. Each situation is unique. My personal opinion I can give you - I am unforgiving regarding infidelity - I could not take my girlfriend's side for cheating on her husband and walking out on her. IMO if you're that miserable, then you should split up - not cheat.
But most people do not think as black and white as I do.
What? Are you KIDDING ME? Its GOT to be the man's fault... afterall.. we are the reason for every single problem women have. Hell... he must have done SOMETHING to cause her to cheat.. even though two wrongs don't make a right... its still HIS fault... not hers LOL Didnt you know that? Silly rabbit.
It depends on what happend. Why did the woman decide to have the affair? You just need more information about the situation in order to take a side. It's always hard to pick a side when something like that happens. But lets say i was her friend, I could either A: be on her side bc i would know why she did it or i could B: say i take her side because she is my good friend but behind her back totally not agree with her decision to cheat.
It all just depends on the situation.
Cheating is commited by the ignorant, the punks and the cowards. This goes for both genders.
well they do say behind every ***** is a man that made her that way! and you didnt even give a full story here. maybe her husband was an *** and treated her like ****. you neverrr know. but i probably would take the womans side. even though the cheating is usually done by the males...
its a to be considering all conditions. %26amp; even depends on the persons feelings . only can take side after leasoning to both feelings
Sorry, but I am a trifle biased on this issue. My ';Mother'; had an affair, walked out on My Father, dumped both Myself and My Brother at a railway station, and then ran off with Her 16 year old girlfriend. Any idea who ended up as the ';injured party';? Guess which side I am on?
As far as others are concerned, most people will assert that each individual case must be measured on it's merits. For the most part, it is invariably the Man who is blamed irregardless of the circumstances. He had an affair, or He made Her have an affair. That seems to be the basic logic used by Our society.
Personally I am far too morally corrupt, and intellectually apathetic to give a toss one way or the other (a product of the modern times). The same goes for a lot of people who have heard enough lies about cheating partners to last Us a lifetime.
I don't agree with anyone who cheats. These people are better off not having serious relationships.
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